Aromatherapy is currently becoming more and more popular in Europe, the United States, Australia and other countries. It is not only promoted by the complementary medicine and natural medicine circles, but also in orthodox medicine, especially the nursing profession, has begun to recognize its advantages.
In the world of complementary medicine, aromatherapy is an inexhaustible treasure. There are many different training schools, each with its own unique insights. If used properly, essential oils can be safely applied to family members, relatives and friends to help them relax, relieve stress, maintain beauty and improve health.
This page is not a guide to the practice of aromatherapy, which requires in-depth professional training. This page cannot replace the advice of experts. For patients with severe symptoms, please consult qualified medical practitioners.
The information provided in this page is compiled from various data sources to help general users understand the use of various essential oils in aromatherapy; its purpose is to stimulate the general interest of the people, and then to understand and feel the benefits of natural aromatherapy. Want to relax? Please join us in the world of aromatherapy and wash your body, mind, and spirit in the most natural way.
Aromatherapy is an ancient form of health care that uses the extracts of aromatic plants to improve the health and well-being of the body.
Aromatherapy is a natural treatment method. It uses concentrated plant extracts to make essential oils. It can be used in conjunction with massage, aromatherapy, inhalation, external treatment and bathing. Aromatherapy itself is a pleasant experience and can improve at the same time. It has both health and beauty effects.
Although many massage practitioners and relaxation experts use essential oils at work, aromatherapy also has a complete set of treatments that can improve physical health; like homeopathy and other holistic treatments, classical aromatherapy does not have orthodox medicine. The principle of “the needle is effective” is to treat a specific disease with a chemical or medicine. In fact, every essential oil has a wide range of applications.
Naturally extracted plant essential oils are rich in natural chemical molecules, and pure essential oils have strong penetrating power. After being diluted and applied to the skin, they can quickly enter the bloodstream, and then flow through the body’s various organs through the blood circulation. In addition, it can also pass through the sense of smell. Enter the brain to affect people’s emotions.
Qualified practitioners can help patients fight various physical and emotional problems: Empirical results show that it can’t only treat tension, but also solve various problems and discomforts of muscles, circulation, breathing, digestion and skin. As described in this page, aromatherapy can be used at home to relax the mood, beautify health, cooperate with other diseases, or simply enhance the atmosphere of the home or work environment.
Although the use of essential oils, herbs and agarwood can be traced back to the long past, the currently known aromatherapy is still fairly a new concept. The term aromatherapy was coined by the French chemist Rene Gatefosse; who wrote the book Aromatherapy (1937), whose research has reignited modern people’s interest in the therapeutic properties of essential oils.
A qualified aroma therapist can not only find out the symptoms of the patient first, but also determine what type of person the patient is. He will ask the patient about his eating habits, lifestyle, and any situations that may cause tension or stress. After the practitioner decides the most suitable essential oil or compound massage oil according to the patient’s condition, he can use essential oil massage to treat the main parts. As the condition improves, the essential oil may be changed to suit the patient’s current condition, and the aroma therapist may also as a counselor, providing advice on nutrition, exercise and other health issues.

Aromas, Herbs and Oils Through History
Aromatherapy is a holistic treatment that harmonizes the body, mind and spirit. It has long been successful in improving breathing, digestive muscular system and skin disorders and other physical conditions.
Humans have used flowers and plants for treatment for a long time. Ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Babylon, China, India, Arabia, Greece and Rome have long known that aromatic plants, flowers and branches have medical properties.
The wizards of ancient Egypt used the familiar perfumes, such as cedar oil, for medicine, incense for mummies and religious ceremonies. Ancient Greece used perfume as aromatic medicine and cosmetics; Romans used perfume oil for massage. The word “perfume” is derived from the Latin word par fumare, which means “vapour or steam”.
Many Eastern cultures are accustomed to burning plants to produce fragrance. This ritual still has religious and spiritual connotations, representing the prayers of worshippers and assisting in the extradition of dead souls. Scented plants, essential oils and incense have been used for both religious and medical purposes in Asia. American Indians also burn fragrant plants to make smoke during treatment rituals smoke.
For hundreds of years, people who have made perfumes and essential oils have been involved in curing diseases and promoting physical health. The Arabs are particularly good at using floral and aromatic substances. They rediscovered distillation and were the first to use essential oils.
In the Western, the term “essential oil” was inseparable from alchemists who pursued “essence” or the mystery of life in the 16th century. Later, the term was simply referred to as essential oil or essence.
By the end of the seventeenth century, some people used herbs to deal with the Black Death and disease. The famous herbalist Nicholas Carl Piper added peppermint to the medicine. During the plague, people carry incense boxes made of sweet orange and cloves to block the stench and avoid infection.
Until the beginning of this century, all perfumes and many medicines depended on essential oils; Later, cheaper synthetic and chemical fragrances began to be available. Despite this, the most advanced perfume and soap manufacturers have been using essential oils to make related products.
The world’s renewed interest in essential oils began in the 1930s. At the time, the French chemist Rene Gatefosse was engaged in experimental work in his own perfume industry. Once his hand was severely burned. In a hurry, he soaked his hand in a pot of pure lavender oil beside him. Not only did the burn heal quickly, but it did not leave any scars. Gatefosse began to study the effects of other essential oils and published a book called “Aromatherapy” in 1937.
During World War II, Dr. Jean Valnet of France was very interested in aromatherapy. This medical doctor successfully used essential oils for medical treatment of wounded soldiers. At the same time, the Australian biochemist Marguerite Maury also developed the technique of massage using essential oils.
During this period, the development of antibiotics and chemical preservatives made natural essential oils lack of interest. But nowadays, many people are afraid to learn about the synthetic and chemical ingredients contained in food, medicine, and cosmetics, and turn to natural, safe and pleasant treatment methods.
In France and Germany, the medical profession continues to develop aromatherapy. More than 1,500 French doctors have received training in this area, and they also prescribe essential oils for internal use. Studies by experts from France, Australia and other countries have shown that the essential oils used in aromatherapy have absolute curative effects.
The use of aromatherapy is becoming more common in Europe. Today not only supplementary therapists use this therapy, but hospitals and hospices also follow up. It has been proven that this method is particularly helpful for patients to relax. In addition, more and more nurses are trained as aroma therapists. Intensive care units, geriatrics, and medical units that treat mental and physical disabilities also use aromatherapy to assist natural and complementary treatments, and the results are outstanding.

Essential oils contain the essence of nature. Find out what exactly is in essential oils, how these complex substances work holistically to heal and balance body and mind, and how to ensure you are using the purest and the best quality products.

Aromatic essential oils are the highly concentrated essences derived from plants. Used today in aromatherapy and fragrances, they have a long history in natural healing. The oils harness a plant’s therapeutic properties to restore balance to the mind, body, and spirit.
The Plant’s Essence
The aromatic compounds in essential oils are thought to help plants survive, for example, by attracting pollinators and warding off fungus and bacteria. Once extracted, essential oils contain the essence of a plant in a very concentrated form, which means the essential oils often smell delightful and retain the plant’s unique therapeutic benefits for our use.
Essential oils in aromatherapy
Today, there are around 100+ essential oils used in aromatherapy. Each has a unique chemistry and properties that produce a distinct therapeutic, psychological, and physiological effect. In addition to being anti-inflammatory, pain relieving, decongesting, and antiseptic, oils can ease anxiety and lift the spirits. Their powerful constituents can have a profound physiological effect, restoring balance and vitality.
Essential Oil Sources
Essential oils are extracted from the flowers, leaves, stems, branches and other parts of various aromatic plants. The highly concentrated essential oils balance the discomfort of the body with natural plant energy

What’s in an Oil?
A single essential oil can contain as many as 100 chemical components, which work together to give the oil its unique properties and aroma. Each component plays a role, but some are more dominant and determine how an oil will act on the body and mind.
The chemistry of oils
Oils are made up of major, minor, and trace components. Menthol is an example of a major component, making up around 40 percent of peppermint oil. These major components work with the more numerous minor and trace components and all contribute to an oil’s aroma and therapeutic value.
Breaking oils down
Each oil’s component parts split into two further categories: oxygenated compounds and terpenes. Oxygenated compounds tend to be stronger smelling and longer lasting than terpenes. They include alcohols, which are antibacterial and found in oils such as ginger and juniper; esters, which can be antiseptic, found in oils such as basil and clove; and ketones, which regenerate cells, found in oils such as rose, camphor, and vetiver. Terpenes, found in oils such as myrrh, have a range of properties, but spoil quickly when exposed to air.

Our sense of smell is more sensitive and immediate than any of our other senses, which is why aromas can be so evocative. Chemicals in a scent can trigger physiological responses and affect our mental state. These combined effects enable aromatic oils to work holistically on mind, body, and spirit, bringing balance, healing, and often a profound sense of well-being.

Essential oils can be used to help promote a state of mind. For example, stimulating oils can be used to enhance focus, while oils that are calming enable us to relax and help to combat the effects of stress.

Enhance well-being and mood
Essential oils have many components that affect the nervous system, helping to lift mood and enhance well-being.
For example, studies show that the compound linalool in lavender and clary sage reduces anxiety, while limonene, found in many citrus oils, can ease anxiety and lift depression. Chamomile and bergamot essential oils contain the compounds alpha- and beta-pinene, which also work as antidepressants, helping lift the spirits and increase feelings of well-being.
When we feel anxious or depressed, it’s not just our minds that are affected; our bodies can also suffer. For example, we tend to hold tension in our muscles when we are anxious. Many oils have both mood-enhancing properties and physiological effects so they treat both the mental and physical symptoms of stress and anxiety.
An aromatherapy massage adds the inherently relaxing benefits of touch to an oil’s therapeutic effects, which can be profoundly calming and uplifting. Even without the benefit of touch, simply smelling a pleasant aroma, such as a tangerine or vanilla bean, can reduce stress-induced muscle tension.
Promote relaxation
The relaxing effects of essential oils are well documented. How they help us relax is a complicated process thought to involve several parts of the brain. One theory is that linalool, found in oils such as lavender, regulates the neurohormone GABA (gamma- aminobutyric acid). This in turn regulates levels of adrenaline, noradrenaline, and dopamine.
Improve concentration and focus
Some oils clear and refresh. For example, inhaling rosemary oil has been shown to improve memory by up to 75%. The oil contains the compound eucalyptol, which acts in a similar way to dementia drugs by increasing a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine that helps regulate brain activity.
Balance energy
Many oils can relax or stimulate as needed and are called adaptogens. These balance body systems in a process called homeostasis, calming or stimulating. Adaptogens help the body process stress by recharging the adrenal glands, which can be overstimulated or exhausted from stress. Lavender, rose, and geranium are examples of adaptogens.
How Oils Work Holistically?
The concept of holistic healing
Involves treating the entire person so that the body, mind, and spirit are in harmony. This approach is very different from the conventional one that uses targeted drugs to tackle or suppress symptoms but doesn’t always address the root cause of a symptom.
Essential oils act on the mind and body to achieve deeper healing. For example, when relaxed, the body may be better at letting go of toxins and maintaining a healthy circulation. Inhaling black pepper oil gives physical and mental support to smokers trying to quit since the oil is decongesting and also helps reduce cravings.

Essential oils are natural healers, harnessing the medicinal properties that are traditionally associated with plants. For example, oils can be anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antifungal, and many essential oils are antimicrobial, helping to kill a whole variety of harmful microorganisms to protect us against disease.

Work as antiseptics
Many essential oils have been shown to destroy the bacteria, viruses, and fungi that cause infection. One of the best known antiseptic essential oils, tea tree, is thought to be as effective as conventional treatments for athlete’s foot, and recent research suggests that wounds infected with the Staphylococcus aureus bacterium heal faster when treated with tea tree oil than they do with conventional methods of treatment.
Chemical components, such as thymol found in thyme essential oil, menthol in peppermint, and eugenol in clove essential oil, to name but a few, have been shown to be powerfully antiseptic. Studies have demonstrated that inhaling these antiseptic essential oils can be as effective as applying them directly to the skin, and essential oil inhalation therapy has been used to treat the symptoms of bronchitis and acute sinusitis for many years.
In a world where many strains of bacteria are becoming resistant to conventional antibiotics, essential oils are beginning to be seen as a viable alternative.
Relieve pain and reduce inflammation
Essential oils are often used for their mild anesthetic properties that can relieve localized pain. Oils such as thyme, rose, eucalyptus, clove, bergamot, and fennel have been shown to work on the body in a similar way to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, by inhibiting the enzymes in the body that cause inflammation, swelling, and pain. This analgesic effect makes these essential oils especially useful for soothing muscle and joint pains and for providing localized pain relief, for example from tension headaches and from sprains and strains.
Pain is often accompanied by inflammation. Many essential oils have anti-inflammatory properties. One notable example is frankincense. Several varieties of frankincense essential oil have been shown to inhibit the production of inflammatory proteins called cytokines and to prevent white blood cells, known as leukocytes, from leaking into tissues, both of which cause inflammation.
Have a cleansing action
When functioning properly, our lungs, liver, digestive system, kidneys, and skin all help to remove waste products and toxins from the body. Negative factors such as stress, anxiety, poor diet, and lack of sleep can all interfere with this process. Essential oils often have detoxifying properties that help to cleanse the body and support a healthy excretory system.
For example, a chemical called D-limonene, found in citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, tangerines, limes, and grapefruits, supports the healthy functioning of the liver, as well as helping to regulate appetite and lower cholesterol. And juniper, grapefruit, rosemary, fennel, and cypress oils have a mild diuretic effect that helps to support the work of the kidneys by encouraging the elimination of excess water. Combining these oils with a gentle massage and body brush encourages the healthy circulation of blood and lymphatic fluid, and in turn the removal of waste.
Help boost immunity
Essential oils promote wellness by enhancing and strengthening our immune response to disease. Some essential oils actually stimulate the production of disease-fighting white blood cells, such as phagocytes, T-cells, and B-cells, which are vital to the body’s defenses and immunity. In particular, eucalyptus and niaouli essential oils have been shown to encourage the process known as phagocytosis, where larger white blood cells called phagocytes engulf and then destroy, or deactivate, bacteria and viruses.
The compound linalool, which is found in high levels in essential oils such as lavender, sage, bay laurel, and eucalyptus, has also been shown to increase the efficiency of the body’s white blood cells.
Influence hormones
The endocrine system secretes hormones to regulate the body’s processes. Essential oils can influence the action of hormones and smooth out imbalances.
For example, relaxing rosemary has been shown to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol, and inhaling calming rose essential oil can help to decrease elevated levels of adrenaline. Several essential oils are thought to help regulate women’s hormones during different stages of reproductive life. Lavandin essential oil is believed to help control hormone- induced mood fluctuations, and clary sage, fennel, basil, sage, cypress, and geranium have a similar balancing effect.
Essential oils work on the root cause as well as the symptom.
The Concept of Synergy
Blending oils can enhance their effects. For example, mixing an antiviral oil with one that is anti-inflammatory provides more effective relief from coughs and colds. This is sometimes called synergy, but the concept of synergy goes deeper than blending.
Often, the therapeutic benefit of an essential oil is attributed to one or two of its major components. But increasingly evidence shows that the benefits of oils come from the interaction of major and minor components. For example, thymol, a major component of thyme, is highly antibacterial. However, studies show that the whole essential oil has a greater antibacterial effect than the isolated component. There’s still much to understand about how oils work synergistically, but it is clear that while science is geared toward using single compounds, whole oils have benefits that can’t be replicated in the lab.

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years to enhance spiritual practice. From their use in traditional ceremonies to supporting personal spiritual practices such as meditation, essential oils help to support spiritual attainment.
Promote spiritual pursuit
Essentials oils have been used for millennia to support prayer. Historically, oils such as frankincense, myrrh, cinnamon, cedarwood, and rose have been used in religious ceremonies.
A well-chosen fragrance can calm breathing, settle and focus the mind, and create a sense of intent.
Enhance mindful practices
Aromas that calm the mind or help to lift the spirits, found in oils such as lavender, elemi, and bergamot, can be used to enhance focus during practices such as meditation, yoga, and breathing techniques.
Energy and chi
In some traditional practices, essential oils are used to clear blockages in the chakras, believed to be the energy centers in the body that relate to specific glands and organs. Chakras are said to be connected by meridians, which are described as channels through which vital energy, or chi, flows.
Blockages In these areas are thought to lead to poor health in the related part of the body. The illustration shows the position of the seven chakras. Specific essential oils are associated with different chakras, or centers, and are recommended to help bring balance and healing to these areas.
- The crown chakra
at the top of the head governs the pineal gland and our “inner self.” Oils such as frankincense, rose, jasmine, lavender, and elemi correspond with this area.
- The brow chakra
located just above and between the eyes, is connected to the pituitary gland and rules memory and mind. Oils such as myrrh, sandalwood, and jasmine can be used to treat blockages here.
- The throat chakra
covers the area of the throat and the thyroid gland and relates to communication. Try lavender, chamomile, clary sage, cajuput, peppermint, geranium, and rosemary to treat this area.
- The heart chakra
located around the heart and upper body, affects well-being. Useful oils include rose, bergamot, lemon balm, chamomile, neroli, sandalwood, and palmarosa.
- The solar plexus chakra
includes organs in the upper abdomen and is connected to self-esteem. Try ginger, helichrysum, manuka, coriander, lavender, marjoram, and orange.
- The sacral chakra
located in the lower abdomen, is linked to the reproductive system and responds to essential oils such as sandalwood, jasmine, rose, ylang-ylang, orange, and geranium.
- The base chakra
at the base of the spine, connects to our ability to feel grounded. Oils that help healing here include myrrh, cedarwood, patchouli, petitgrain, benzoin, carrot, and vetiver.

It is not always easy, especially as a novice, to know whether or not you are buying a pure, natural, good-quality, sustainable essential oil. Being aware of what to look for can help you make a worthwhile purchase. The following guidelines set out key factors to consider when purchasing oils, helping you to assess quality and provenance and to choose the best oils for you.
Natural versus Synthetic
Pure essential oil can be made up of a hundred or more individual chemical constituents, some of which are major constituents, others minor, which all work together synergistically. Synthetic fragrances, or isolated compounds such as menthol, are far cheaper than pure essential oils, and although these may have a pleasant scent, they have none of the therapeutic benefits that make essential oils so special and unique. To be sure that you are choosing a pure essential oil, try to avoid products that contain added ingredients and bulking agents since these additions increase the volume but reduce the quality of the oil.
Recognising Quality
Spend time researching companies and try to identify reputable ones that are likely to go to the most trouble to ensure their oils are of high quality.
Company credentials
Some companies have developed their own terminology to demonstrate that their oils are superior. For example, an oil may be described as being of “therapeutic” or “aromatherapy” grade, but ultimately these are marketing terms and not meaningful. It can be more helpful, though not a guarantee of quality, to check if a company is a member of a reputable association, such as the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) in the US or the Aromatherapy Trade Council (ATC) in the UK.
Another way to check a company’s credentials is to find out if it runs aromatherapy courses and/or has links with qualified aromatherapy practitioners, which indicates that the company has a deserved reputation.
All in the name
If an essential oil is authentic, the botanical name should appear on the label, and compounds called chemotypes (substances that link oils to a specific plant variety) may also be listed. For example, thyme will list its botanical name Thymus vulgaris, and the label might also mention linalool or thymol, to indicate that the oil is from one botanical species. The label, or a company website, may also cite a country of origin, which indicates that it is a true plant.
Checking Sustainability
Certain oils, such as sandalwood and rosewood, are now available only in limited amounts, or are unavailable, due to concerns about sustainability. Check the sustainability policy of a company before you buy an oil.
Endangered plants
Some plants have been harvested almost to extinction. For example, spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi) has a critically endangered status, and so this oil should be avoided unless the supplier can guarantee that it is cultivated.
Supporting fair trade
Fairtrade often ensures sustainability. Harvesting plants for oils can be an important source of income for some communities. With a conservation plan in place, plants are more likely to be protected as an important resource. Frankincense oil from Kenya, for example, is available as a FairWild source, a standard that protects the harvesting of wild species and ensures fair trading. When choosing oils, look for Fairtrade or Fair for Life logos that suggest sustainability and help to ensure the benefits of producing an oil are felt by the people growing and harvesting the plants.
Choosing Organic
Organic essential oils and base oils have a higher therapeutic value because they contain the highest levels of antioxidants and are less likely to have potentially toxic residues from pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Organic production also benefits farmers, their families, and communities; is kinder to the soil; and generally provides a more positive outlook for future crops, wildlife, and water sources. Check company literature to see if they support organic farming practices.
Assessing Cost
All essential oils require a large amount of plant matter to make just a small amount of oil. The price of an oil is connected to its yield from the plant matter, which can vary greatly, from less than 0.1 percent to 25 percent.
For example, around 2,200 lb (1,000 kg) of hand-picked orange blossom produces just 21⁄4 lb (1 kg) of neroil oil —hence the high cost of exquisite neroli. In contrast, just over 1 ton of cloves produces up to 440lb (200kg) clove oil, making this a less expensive oil.
Any company that sells all of their oils for the same price or has prices that seem too good to be true, should be avoided. The good news is that because essential oils are so highly concentrated, just a small amount goes a long way, and only a few drops are used at a time. To ensure freshness, buy a small amount regularly, rather than large amounts that might spoil before you use them.
What’s on the Label?
Reading a label closely- can help you to make an on-the-spot assessment of an essential oil. A label that has the following information suggests a high-quality oil.
- The oil’s botanical name and the part of the plant used.
- The country of origin.
- The distillation or packaging date /or expiration date.
- The batch number, if applicable, a chemotype (such as thymol).

Essential Oils are extracted from a wide range of plants worldwide. where plants grow depends on factors such as their tolerance to frost and if there’s sufficient rainfall or irrigation.
How crops are grown
Traditionally, most essential oils were harvested from the wild and this is still the case for some abundant species such as juniper. However as aromatherapy grows in popularity, with the market expanding , there is increased pressure on plants grown in the wild and it can be a struggle to keep up with demand. To ensure a continuous supply of oils, many plants are specially cultivated. with supplies creating the soil conditions and irrigation needed to grow crops.

Aromatic plant essential oils can enter the body through the respiratory system. When the diluted essential oils are used for massage or bathing, their fine molecules can penetrate into the pores of the skin and enter the body.
Lymphatic circulation is transmitted to all parts of the body, thereby improving physical and mental discomfort, returning the unbalanced body state to normal, and increasing vitality and promoting health. In addition to expelling waste and toxins from the body when used, essential oils will also leave the body with the body’s perspiration and excretion.
Aromatherapy is a holistic treatment that harmonizes the body, mind and spirit. It has been successfully treating various physical discomforts such as breathing, digestion, muscular system, and skin disorders for a long time. The same aromatherapy is also very effective for balancing emotions and can relieve the tension and pressure of modern life.
When the mental and physical state is out of balance, the aromatic plant can evaporate its characteristics to help the body and mind reach a state of balance. Each essential oil has its own special effects, and it depends on the actual situation of the individual to use.
Beauty care
- clean, moisturize the skin, increase skin vitality, slow down the production of wrinkles and dark spots.
- promote the elimination of body fat and achieve the effect of weight loss.
- balance hair sebum, improve hair loss, nourish hair roots, and promote hair growth.
Promote metabolism and restore physical fitness
- accelerate the detoxification effect of the lymphatic circulatory system, effectively eliminate. toxic substances in the body.
- promote the body’s new salt metabolism, enhance physical recovery.
Strengthen resistance
- promote blood circulation.
- enhance the effectiveness of the immune system, withstand infection, improve body repair ability, resist ageing, and restore youth.
Improve health and vitality
- the effect on the respiratory system: help to relieve the discomfort of the bronchi, throat and lungs.
- Effect on the digestive system: promote digestion and balance, relieve gastrointestinal discomfort.
- Effect on the endocrine system: promote the adjustment of endocrine and regulate hormone imbalance.
- Effect on musculoskeletal tissue: Eliminate muscle fatigue, epidemic pain, restore vitality, and promote body tissue repair.
Relieve emotional stress
- relieve anxiety and tension, calm vulgarity, resist depression, relax and calm headaches caused by the nervous system, and improve insomnia.
Purification of indoor air and insect repellent
- It can freshen and purify indoor air, improve the atmosphere of the working environment, and increase work efficiency.
- it is a good insect repellent.