phoenix2u Align Your Purpose with the Natural Pattern of the Universe Wed, 09 Oct 2024 09:30:13 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 phoenix2u 32 32 178195242 数字观想法 Wed, 09 Oct 2024 08:06:32 +0000 什么是观想? “观”是看的意思。“想”就是心里想象,观想虽然只有简单的两个字,但是它所涵盖的意义并非三言两语得以道尽。观想就是向宇宙发出强大的思维(或称之为念力)频率,向宇宙发出信号,宇宙的能力就会像心中所想的不折不扣的传送回来给您。正确的观想法不是勉强自己去想象,或拼命地用脑筋去幻想,当你想要观想事物的时候,你的心里必须先有个影像。而这个影像是从你眼中所看而来,当眼睛看到之后就会从心里留下影像。 如何观想? 天赋灵数学 所有的“观”,产生的“想”,来自于我们和宇宙沟通,是宇宙给的讯息,让我们去体验,宇宙的信息就是自然法则所产生的一种智慧。 如果您说“我买不起”,那么您的潜意识就会把它变成事实。换一种方式说“我有朝一日会买得起他的,我在意识中已经拥有了它”。 注意您说的话,您要对您说的每一句话负责。不要说各种类似于您自己“不行、不会、不能、不敢、不可以”的话,您的潜意识开不起玩笑,它会把这些都当真的,您的每一个起心动念都会被宇宙所感知,都会给到您相应的结果。大家有机会的话可以了解一下朗达拜恩著作的《秘密》这本书,书里写的主要是吸引力法则的相关内容,而我们整个宇宙世界其实都是跟吸引力法则相关的,拿科学的话来讲,这叫同频共振。 所以,我们讲的观想,其实也就是教会您如何心想事成!所谓心想事成,最起码你得先会想,先敢想,有很多人一旦提及到一件从未体验过的事就下意识地认为自己不会不敢不可能,那么从一开始依旧种下了一颗“不会不敢不可能”的种子,那么绝大概率的情况下您也就会吸引来“不会不敢不可能”的结果! 其实,有很多东西,只要您想象,它就会出现,很多人称它为梦想。那为什么我们这里不说梦想而叫观想呢?因为梦想有个“梦”,就是如果您不了解您的思想,那就是在做梦。如果您要把梦想变成现实,那就需要观想,而观想是有条件的。 如果您不懂数字1—9的具体含义,那么您就没有办法融入观想的方法。例如,每次吃东西您都知道自己在吃什么,但如果同一个问题您问一个婴幼儿,他只知道好吃与不好吃,所以人们常以为自己知道,如果真正知道就会做得到。可是还是很多事情做不到,因为他以为自己知道了,但其实还是不知道。学习是“知道一明白一了解一悟”这四个过程。知道未必代表明白,明白未必代表了解,了解未必代表悟道。观想中也是这四个过程。所以,您必须把脑海中所有过去的经验、情绪、感觉、观念都放下,那么就会很快接受、吸收。这就跟我们现在经常讲的在接触一个新鲜的事物之前我们只有做到空杯心态,才能更好地接受和吸收是一样的道理。 数字观想法则: 天赋灵数学  需要定时和有规律的,切勿断断续续、不连贯的进行观想;  尽可能一星期进行一次,每次用时五分钟;  观想的影像需如梦如幻,不必太清楚,因为最重要的是你的心态要放松;  观想的感觉需要来自内心深处,完全不假思索,不加分别,很自然的从内心涌现出来;  观想后,必须完全不假思索地马上忘掉,切勿牢记;  不应期待或诉求观想的极速成果,应抱有一颗平常心,或亦空亦有的心态来宽待;  观想一切以方便为其相,随缘为其用若有好的事物发生在自己的身上,就权当是自己观想而赋予的,不要忘记感谢观想的能量所带来的事物;  须具有积极的思想以及良好的信念,并怀一颗仁爱之心,如往好的方面想、往好的角度看; 把不好的事物净化为一种不断推动自己前进的驱使力量,然后把它应用于日常生活之中,方为有效。 如果只是阅读观想的理论,但是没有积极的实践,也只不过是纸上谈兵,也就是说很多人都是处在“大道理谁都懂,但就是懒得下决定、行动”。比如说,舞蹈要配合音乐,才显得格外生动精彩。因此观想只是一种概念,需要结合实际行动,相辅相成,才能发动宇宙最强的能量。一般人只要明白观想的概念,就可以达到基本所要的事物,如果可以到了领悟观想的境界,这时候,您就可以和宇宙沟通,凡事心想事成。

The post 数字观想法 first appeared on phoenix2u.

The post 数字观想法 appeared first on phoenix2u.













  1.  需要定时和有规律的,切勿断断续续、不连贯的进行观想;
  2.  尽可能一星期进行一次,每次用时五分钟;
  3.  观想的影像需如梦如幻,不必太清楚,因为最重要的是你的心态要放松;
  4.  观想的感觉需要来自内心深处,完全不假思索,不加分别,很自然的从内心涌现出来;
  5.  观想后,必须完全不假思索地马上忘掉,切勿牢记;
  6.  不应期待或诉求观想的极速成果,应抱有一颗平常心,或亦空亦有的心态来宽待;
  7.  观想一切以方便为其相,随缘为其用若有好的事物发生在自己的身上,就权当是自己观想而赋予的,不要忘记感谢观想的能量所带来的事物;
  8.  须具有积极的思想以及良好的信念,并怀一颗仁爱之心,如往好的方面想、往好的角度看;
  9. 把不好的事物净化为一种不断推动自己前进的驱使力量,然后把它应用于日常生活之中,方为有效。


The post 数字观想法 first appeared on phoenix2u.

The post 数字观想法 appeared first on phoenix2u.

从灵数看懂您性格,输入生日知道你属于几号人? Tue, 21 Mar 2023 08:31:45 +0000 生命灵数是从伴隨你一生的出生年月日而来的一个数字,藉由它的奧秘可以窥见人生的概略藍图,客观描述你的性格特质,想圆融你的人际关系就來知己知彼吧~ 数字的背后,能够牵引出一条条潜在的自然规律。一个人的出生日期,能够决定他的生命数字! 公元两千多年前希腊数学家、哲学家、星相学家、几何学创始人毕达哥拉斯,将多个学科融会贯通,形成了一套旨在为人生指明方向的“生命灵数”。 毕达哥拉斯认为:一个人从地球出生的那一刹那,受到天体行星的能量影响,所以形成截然不同的特质。这些数字成为打开心灵之窗秘密的钥匙,我们可以在数字中推论出有意义的信息,生命灵数牵引出我们人格背后的潜在力量,用简单清楚而客观的方法来明确生命的目的,帮助人类生命找到关键点,它也似一面明镜,让我们看见生命的蓝图。 由于它有无比神奇的力量,所以象中国的易经一样经久流传下来,形成了现在各门派的“数字能量学”。 生命灵数:数字能量与命运 生命灵数中说,在每个人出生的那一刻,我们就被赋予一座内在的山峰。我们的生命是一条通往重大发现的山路。 我们的生命目标遥远,不容易达成,途中有许多的挑战和试验,在每个人的生命旅程中,我们努力实现自己的生命目标,不断地抵抗阻碍我们达成目标的负面意念。要爬上山顶必须具备无比的勇气、智慧与努力。 可以说,生命灵数就是你一窥天机的窗口,看见内在规划好的潜在课题和挑战。那么,透过你生命的数字,具体能够看到哪些关乎您命运的特质呢? 显性的表现数字: 是我们的人格,面具。身份、角色,习惯于把自己呈现于这个世界的面貌。是外在的部分。不是本来面貌。它是我们对人的态度,用来与世界连接的方式,我们的穿着方式、处理日常情况的方式,不是真正的自己。 透过外在表现数字可以看到我们工作上的天赋、机遇和才能,即我们擅长从事什么工作,我们应该积极去做哪些方面的事情。我们如何表现自我? 潜在的生命渴求: 由此数可看到我们内心最深层最强烈的欲望和渴求,它是生命中推动我们向前的原动力,也是寻找伴侣的模式 ,它是我们内心最核心最固守的部分。 个人特质: 在我们的生命中,可能有过以下感受: 大胆的头脑冲不破自幼形成的思维铁栅栏,当初吸引我们全情投奔的要用高倍望远镜才能遥望的工作,现在不管多努力投入,如今除了不断碰壁,困难重重;就是表现平平,好想与人有良好关系互动,结果我们的思维不在一个频道,无法同频共振!尤其人到中年,更是充满疑惑。 生命数字会帮助我们展开生命蓝图,剖析生命数字,理解生命目的,找到人生目标。生命数字赋予我们更新的人生视野,突破我们心灵的瓶颈,提升心灵和谐频率,获得充实、完满的人生! 数字加总带来神秘的数字力量,隐藏着这个数字伴随的能量,现在就输入你的生日,看看你的生命灵数。 生命灵数计算方式; 生命灵数计算方式,将出生年月日加总至个位数。 如1983年03月13日生日, 1+9+8+3+0+3+1+3=28;2+8=10,1+0=1。 范例的生命灵数为1。 9数的磁场与效应 来自数字【1】的专注能力 来自数字【2】的沟通能力 来自数字【3】的判断能力 数字【1】在生命蓝图里诠释着当事人必须学会专注在一个【点】才能发挥最大的能量。唯有专注,才能完成本阶段的功课。 人生的道路上,不管是课业上,事业上,创业,甚至任何的层面,唯有坚持才能有成果。因此当数字1越频密地出现在生命蓝图里,你在相关阶段必须专注,才能集中火力做好一件事。尚若三心两意,人生的功课很容易离题。 因此,专注能力越高的你,更容易在坚持的事情上取得成果。所谓物极则反,毕竟太过专注在任何层面,都有可能忽略其他部分。比如太专注感情就会见色忘友,太专注事业也会忽略生活品质,甚至太专注打手游,就能废寝忘食等。 培养正面的专注力,是突破表现的关键。 99%的人口都会讲话,却不代表会好好讲话! 站在自己的情愫上表达,这是告诉对方自己的感觉或立场,却不是沟通。 生活中我们习惯告诉对方,希望一瞬间就能让对方听见我们的意愿。然而对方未必会听进去,更不代表对方是理解和认同内容。偶尔的表达不当,还会引起反弹,口舌之争等。 沟通的前提是争取对方的认同和支持。很多人喜欢用沟通解决问题,却不得其法。因为他只想对方认同,却没有思考如何让对方认同。因此记得,沟通是双向的互动,不能一厢情愿。 沟通是最不费力又能解决问题的方式。掌握沟通可以化解矛盾,分工合作,达成共识,借力打力,资源整合等。但是我们不能空想以上的好处,唯有拿捏沟通之道,多想想对方想听的内容再表达,才能水到渠成。 数字【3】的震动属于偏高的频率,震动的篇幅很大,变化性也很大。常年累月的训练结果,当事人特别能能捉住瞬间的变化,比如潮流触觉,时机的敏锐度,甚至对方微小的变化,市场走势的改变等。 因此数字3能在最短的时间内催化反应力,产生行动力,进化成竞争能力。一旦3发现目标,就好比猎人看见猎物,瞄准后立刻进攻。这一连串的动作来自本能反应,如果加以锻炼,提高本事,判断力就会更精准到位,进而提高胜算。 很多时候猎人因为好胜心作祟,或情绪反应,就会判断错误,造成失误。现实生活中,3的主人容易受到磁场影响而一时冲动/情绪化。此刻判断力必然下降,如果不能平复情商,智商可能就不在线,进而下错定论做错决定。 来自数字【4】的思考能力 来自数字【5】的创新能力 来自数字【6】的衡量能力 人类普遍上都会思考,却不代表具有思考能力。所谓能力,至少能解决问题,而不是制造问题。然而放眼我们周遭的人群,当大家听到新的挑战,下意识反应是思考问题,还是思考解决方案呢?统计结果非常无奈,十不离九的人都是思考问题,想要找到根源,却不是立刻解决。 遇到问题时我们都会说:“让我想一想!”最后想到答案吗?还是搁置一旁得空再想? 思考能力包含观察,组织,和分析。掌握思考逻辑包括观察现象,组织内容,分析结果。整个流程需要特定时间才能有结论。尚若耐性不足,或日常缺乏观察力,{思考}就只能停留在表象。因此再努力也无法整理一个结论。 无论你的思考震动高低,日常多花心思观察相关的讯息,再培养思考答案的习惯,自能产生思考能力。 【5】的气场呈旋转式的余波,在生命蓝图里代表着失控的漩涡;同时也代表着新的启程。蓝图遇上5的阶段,别再用常规解决问题。你需要采用创新的手段,才能更有效地破旧迎新,结束挑战。 数字5的气场需要当事人的探索精神,不惧挑战,大胆走出舒适圈才能走向新的启程。尚若这个阶段当事人不懂反应,或不敢离开舒适圈,就会被漩涡吸到更深的深渊,实际情况就会更复杂,想要解决问题也会遇上接二连三的障碍。 面对5的挑战,眼前每一步都是困难。唯有把目光锁向远方(终点目标)才能更有信心过关斩将。因此这个阶段,目标越清晰的当事人更容易坚持到底。反之,当事人可能会越走越迷茫,甚至U转走回头路等。 遇见5,告诉自己是时候改变了! 没有人喜欢当吃亏的傻子,尤其在金钱课题。虽然大家都在乎金钱,却不代表天赋里懂得衡量;同样不表示气场具有吸金的功能。 数字【6】代表衡量价值的能力,也能显示气场里财富接收器的敏感度。6的震动将带动当事人的价值观,同时也会引发不自觉的欲望。欲望是人类不好驾驭的情愫之一,可怕之处在于不断摧毁我们的意志,随时都能反过来驾驭当事人的理智,作出冲动之举。 生命蓝图的6是金钱的标志,让我们更容易找到财富的累积方式,同时避免漏财的可能性。任何阶段的蓝图出现6,当事人的欲望自然提升,同时对财富等欲望变得更迫切。 […]

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The post 从灵数看懂您性格,输入生日知道你属于几号人? appeared first on phoenix2u.














由此数可看到我们内心最深层最强烈的欲望和渴求,它是生命中推动我们向前的原动力,也是寻找伴侣的模式 ,它是我们内心最核心最固守的部分。


在我们的生命中,可能有过以下感受: 大胆的头脑冲不破自幼形成的思维铁栅栏,当初吸引我们全情投奔的要用高倍望远镜才能遥望的工作,现在不管多努力投入,如今除了不断碰壁,困难重重;就是表现平平,好想与人有良好关系互动,结果我们的思维不在一个频道,无法同频共振!尤其人到中年,更是充满疑惑。





1+9+8+3+0+3+1+3=28;2+8=10,1+0=1。 范例的生命灵数为1。

数字【1】在生命蓝图里诠释着当事人必须学会专注在一个【点】才能发挥最大的能量。唯有专注,才能完成本阶段的功课。 人生的道路上,不管是课业上,事业上,创业,甚至任何的层面,唯有坚持才能有成果。因此当数字1越频密地出现在生命蓝图里,你在相关阶段必须专注,才能集中火力做好一件事。尚若三心两意,人生的功课很容易离题。 因此,专注能力越高的你,更容易在坚持的事情上取得成果。所谓物极则反,毕竟太过专注在任何层面,都有可能忽略其他部分。比如太专注感情就会见色忘友,太专注事业也会忽略生活品质,甚至太专注打手游,就能废寝忘食等。 培养正面的专注力,是突破表现的关键。
99%的人口都会讲话,却不代表会好好讲话! 站在自己的情愫上表达,这是告诉对方自己的感觉或立场,却不是沟通。 生活中我们习惯告诉对方,希望一瞬间就能让对方听见我们的意愿。然而对方未必会听进去,更不代表对方是理解和认同内容。偶尔的表达不当,还会引起反弹,口舌之争等。 沟通的前提是争取对方的认同和支持。很多人喜欢用沟通解决问题,却不得其法。因为他只想对方认同,却没有思考如何让对方认同。因此记得,沟通是双向的互动,不能一厢情愿。 沟通是最不费力又能解决问题的方式。掌握沟通可以化解矛盾,分工合作,达成共识,借力打力,资源整合等。但是我们不能空想以上的好处,唯有拿捏沟通之道,多想想对方想听的内容再表达,才能水到渠成。
数字【3】的震动属于偏高的频率,震动的篇幅很大,变化性也很大。常年累月的训练结果,当事人特别能能捉住瞬间的变化,比如潮流触觉,时机的敏锐度,甚至对方微小的变化,市场走势的改变等。 因此数字3能在最短的时间内催化反应力,产生行动力,进化成竞争能力。一旦3发现目标,就好比猎人看见猎物,瞄准后立刻进攻。这一连串的动作来自本能反应,如果加以锻炼,提高本事,判断力就会更精准到位,进而提高胜算。 很多时候猎人因为好胜心作祟,或情绪反应,就会判断错误,造成失误。现实生活中,3的主人容易受到磁场影响而一时冲动/情绪化。此刻判断力必然下降,如果不能平复情商,智商可能就不在线,进而下错定论做错决定。
人类普遍上都会思考,却不代表具有思考能力。所谓能力,至少能解决问题,而不是制造问题。然而放眼我们周遭的人群,当大家听到新的挑战,下意识反应是思考问题,还是思考解决方案呢?统计结果非常无奈,十不离九的人都是思考问题,想要找到根源,却不是立刻解决。 遇到问题时我们都会说:“让我想一想!”最后想到答案吗?还是搁置一旁得空再想? 思考能力包含观察,组织,和分析。掌握思考逻辑包括观察现象,组织内容,分析结果。整个流程需要特定时间才能有结论。尚若耐性不足,或日常缺乏观察力,{思考}就只能停留在表象。因此再努力也无法整理一个结论。 无论你的思考震动高低,日常多花心思观察相关的讯息,再培养思考答案的习惯,自能产生思考能力。
【5】的气场呈旋转式的余波,在生命蓝图里代表着失控的漩涡;同时也代表着新的启程。蓝图遇上5的阶段,别再用常规解决问题。你需要采用创新的手段,才能更有效地破旧迎新,结束挑战。 数字5的气场需要当事人的探索精神,不惧挑战,大胆走出舒适圈才能走向新的启程。尚若这个阶段当事人不懂反应,或不敢离开舒适圈,就会被漩涡吸到更深的深渊,实际情况就会更复杂,想要解决问题也会遇上接二连三的障碍。 面对5的挑战,眼前每一步都是困难。唯有把目光锁向远方(终点目标)才能更有信心过关斩将。因此这个阶段,目标越清晰的当事人更容易坚持到底。反之,当事人可能会越走越迷茫,甚至U转走回头路等。 遇见5,告诉自己是时候改变了!
没有人喜欢当吃亏的傻子,尤其在金钱课题。虽然大家都在乎金钱,却不代表天赋里懂得衡量;同样不表示气场具有吸金的功能。 数字【6】代表衡量价值的能力,也能显示气场里财富接收器的敏感度。6的震动将带动当事人的价值观,同时也会引发不自觉的欲望。欲望是人类不好驾驭的情愫之一,可怕之处在于不断摧毁我们的意志,随时都能反过来驾驭当事人的理智,作出冲动之举。 生命蓝图的6是金钱的标志,让我们更容易找到财富的累积方式,同时避免漏财的可能性。任何阶段的蓝图出现6,当事人的欲望自然提升,同时对财富等欲望变得更迫切。 对比没有6的当事人,赚钱之道比较曲折,必须先做好其他功课才能顺道赚钱,因此也只能寄望其他的数字发挥得当,带来财富。
数字【7】的人际能力实际上内有乾坤。因为7的磁场里充满磁性,能帮助当事人发射强烈的电波,让人脉情不自禁地一再被吸引。 大家常说7能催化好人缘。人缘是磁场加持的无形魅力,无论当事人长相如何,都能轻易地吸引大家瞩目,甚至得到关照偏爱等好处。 当一个人特别容易吸引大众的目光,无需广告都能成为大家惦记的对象,你觉得好吗?这的确是一个问号。如果得到贵人青睐,感觉如有神助;反之引来的是小人,难免就会是非缠身。 由于磁场没有辨别能力,往往都是贵人小人参半。因此把关人脉非常重要,也是杜绝人际后患的事前功夫。 生命蓝图有7,相关阶段的功课就是人际关系。懂得借助磁场做好筹备,人脉就是救兵。
有一种自觉叫做{责任感}。这份自觉来自数字【8】的使命感。当事人无法和自己的份内事切割,宁可背负重任也希望有能力办妥事情。这份行动力就是{执行能力}。 虽然每个身份的背后都有一份责任,却不是每个人都愿意主打扛起责任。然而8却不曾想过推卸责任,甚至愿意默默付出默默做到最好。因为8深信,唯有付出才能掌握实权,甚至成为掌控大局的赢家。 事实上8的心态特别可取。然而心态只是执行能力的50%,另外的50%来自能力。当8面对能力范围的人事物,没有二话立刻办妥。如果问题超出能力范围,8就会显得一筹莫展,不知所措,甚至原地踏步等迂回行为。 生命蓝图的8需要当事人正视自己的责任,并亲力亲为执行之。前提是能力必须到位。
数字【9】经历所有数字(1-8)的循环,本质上已经综合所有数字的功能,形成完美的9号。然而完美放在现实生活中根本就是一道越不过的围墙,宏伟得让人向往,事实上高不可攀。 当我们把焦点放在9的磁场,就会看见水平线。这条线让数字9 会自动过滤不合格的人事物。同时产生自觉性,要求自己必须在水平线上。久而久之,9变成标准,也变成口碑,特别容易获得外界的肯定。 以上的进化正好说明9的自我要求与应变能力。生命蓝图出现9,本阶段需要体现自我要求证明自己是对方最好的选择,同时需要发挥应变能力,把握机会做到最好。 因此9的磁场,必须在能力上被关注就能换得机会。这是一个赢在起跑点的数字,同时也将面对特别多的诱惑,有定力才能坚持到底。
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THE EFFICACY OF MASSAGE THERAPY Fri, 25 Jun 2021 09:11:41 +0000 What are the benefits of massage therapy? Massage therapy is a treatment that is growing in demand and popularity. in today’s society to become more and more mainstream. What’s more, massage therapy is now considered a mainstream treatment option, and many insurance companies offer coverage for treatment options. This form of treatment involves hands-on techniques […]

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The post THE EFFICACY OF MASSAGE THERAPY appeared first on phoenix2u.


What are the benefits of massage therapy?

Massage therapy is a treatment that is growing in demand and popularity. in today’s society to become more and more mainstream. What’s more, massage therapy is now considered a mainstream treatment option, and many insurance companies offer coverage for treatment options. This form of treatment involves hands-on techniques to increase circulation, relieve stress, relieve stress, relieve anxiety, improve sleep, promote overall relaxation of the body and mind and many other benefits. Massage therapy may be one of the ways massage therapy may be worth exploring when the soft tissue areas of the body, including muscles, tendons, connective tissue, etc., become tense and need to be released, or they are injured and have extensive muscle or nerve tissue damage that plagues their bodies.

Besides how good massages can make you feel better, what other benefits do massage therapy have? As an advocate of long-term massage, after in-depth research to get some little-known other aspects of the function, I found that good massage has the following hidden benefits.

Here are some of the benefits of massage therapy:

1. Relax body & mind

When the body is stressed and stressed, it produces unhealthy levels of the well-known stress hormone cortisol, which may contribute to weight gain, insomnia, digestive problems and headaches. Massage therapy has been shown to lower cortisol levels in the body. This allows the subject to enter recovery mode. In addition, this form of treatment triggers a lasting sense of relaxation, improves mood and reduces stress levels. In addition, massage effectively promotes muscle relaxation. When undergoing physiotherapy treatment if there is an episode of discomfort or pain in the lower back or in certain areas, this means that the muscles that have not been active regularly for some time are being exercised. You may want to attach massage therapy during or outside the time of physiotherapy To have a good massage helps relax those tight, sore muscles.

2. Relieve stress and the tension disappears

Massage therapy not only helps relieve stress, but regular massages for long periods of time can increase energy levels, reduce pain, and stimulate an individual’s physical and emotional levels.

In today’s fast-paced world, daily stress is inevitable. Tension headaches, shoulder tightness, stomach pain and various pains are signs of cumulative stress. Hands with confidence at the expert massage therapist can help relieve all stress and tension. In this situation, you don’t need to do anything else to relax and relax. As you call in and out, you can see the pressure and tension of escape, like a dark cloud being chased by the wind. The warmth you feel is like the sun bringing life and energy to every part of your body.

3. Promote muscle relaxation

Massage therapy aims to target the source of physical pain by eliminating tension in the muscles, increasing flexibility and providing relaxation for the affected muscles and the entire body. Massage also promotes circulation of affected or injured muscles, increasing nutrients and oxygen to damaged tissue. In turn, this increased activity on the affected area reduces stiffness and edema (swelling) of muscles and joints and increases flexibility to help reduce pain. In addition, this form of treatment also releases endorphins (painkillers), which increase dopamine and serotonin levels in the body. These hormones help the body in many ways - physically and emotionally. For example, they promote healing, pain management and excitement, as well as help calm nerves.

4. Lower blood pressure and recovery, especially after surgery

I think one of the biggest benefits of massage is how it helps repair the body after surgery. For customers who have had carpal tunnel syndrome surgery, leg reconstruction, cyst removal and tumor removal, etc., the feedback can be shown to reduce the pain caused by strategic treatment massages. People pay less attention to injury, and the body plays its biggest role: functioning properly. This means that all systems can start recovery quickly. However, it is not only suitable for people who have undergone surgery. Any painful injury or tired muscle can be helped by massage. As long as you are willing to inform and make sure that the massage therapist knows where the area is uncomfortable or painful, the massage therapist will use the exact press pressure. The idea is not to feel pain, but to get the therapist to take you to this point while taking a deep breath.

Releasing tight muscles, relieving stiffness and helping relieve pain are the end result of a quality massage worthy of a temporary discomfort. In addition, regular massage therapy has been found to lower blood pressure levels. In fact, some long-term studies have shown that consistent massage procedures can reduce systolic (upper) and diastolic (lower) blood pressure. In addition, it can also lower cortisol levels in the body. Consistent massage therapy can also reduce triggers for anxiety, hostility, stress, and depression. In turn, lower blood pressure levels can also reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and/or kidney failure, as well as many other health problems.

5. Stimulates the lymphatic system

There is a type of massage called lymphatic massage or lymphatic detox that stimulates the lymphatic system. The benefits of this stimulation include improved metabolism, removal of body waste and toxins, and promotion of a healthy immune system. After breast cancer or other surgery, lymphatic massages are performed on some people. However, this gentle form of massage, used alone or in combination with deep tissue or Swedish massage, can also help people with sports injuries, mood problems, stress, low energy, disease or compromised immune systems. Apply gentle pressure and pump in the direction of the entire lymph nodes. The combination of thumb deep pressure (finger massage) and Swedish techniques helps to relax the body. The therapist can focus on an area to be aware of (at the customer's request) or perform a full-body workout.

6. Improve the circulation

The long-term benefits of massage therapy should not be underestimated. Improved circulation is part of the snowball effect, which lasts in the body due to regular massage therapy. This is because proper circulation brings damage, stiffness and tension to the muscle-rich blood supply that they need to promote healing. Regular massages can have significant benefits for people with impaired vascular function or limited mobility, especially when it comes to improving blood circulation. Massage can help improve the vascular function of unsportsmans and circulatory function of anyone, regardless of their level of physical activity. People who had a massage showed improved blood flow and vascular function, which changed at a distance between the injury and where the massage was performed. At least.

Massage also promotes improved blood circulation through hand pressure, which flows blood through damaged and crowded areas of the body. In turn, the release of this pressure causes new blood to flow into the tissue. In addition, the extrusion, twisting and pulling effects of massage techniques remove lactic acid from muscle tissue. As a result, this effect improves lymphatic fluid circulation and takes metabolic waste away from internal organs and muscles. This, in turn, leads to lower blood pressure levels and improved overall body function.

7. Strengthens the body's immune system

Regular massage classes offer many benefits to the body. It is well known that stressed people are more likely to get sick and get hurt. When stress is combined with sleep disorders and malnutrition, the effects are directed at the body's immune system. Its ability to protect itself from infections, pathogens and bacteria is greatly reduced. Some people may wonder if massage therapy is good for the immune system. Studies have shown that regular massages not only help reduce stress, but also improve the immune system's cytotoxicity (the body's natural "killer cells" activity level) and improve the body's ability to provide nutrients. In addition, massage therapy can be a great addition to any exercise program. Just as regular exercise can keep your body fine-tuning, regular massage therapy can help keep your immune system strong and resilient.

8. Improve posture

Many people experience back, neck and muscle pain from a variety of sources. However, this pain is caused by poor posture. In fact, chronic back pain is the number one cause of missing workdays and the second leading cause of disability, often as a result of incorrect or poor posture while standing and/or sitting. In addition, exercises such as overweight, poor posture, repetition, or overuse can also cause stress in the back and other potentially problematic areas. As a result, increased strain often leads to cramps, pain and tension of muscles in the hips, hips, buttocks, back, neck and legs.

Massage therapy can help the body get back to the right alignment. In fact, improving a person’s posture may be one of the most beneficial and relaxing aspects of massage therapy. Massage allows the body to relax and relax muscle tension and pain through poor posture. This, in turn, allows the body to position itself in its organic and painless posture. As part of a consistent massage treatment plan, the body’s muscles relax and relax. In addition, joints have greater freedom, flexibility, range of motion and pressure points. As a result, the body is able to position itself in an organic and healthy position. In short, massage therapy helps to correct position and movement that develops over time as a pain response.

Massage therapy, once considered an alternative or edge method, is becoming more mainstream and increasingly popular. What’s more, motherapy is now considered a mainstream treatment option, and this form of treatment involves hands-on techniques to increase circulation, relieve stress, relieve stress, relieve anxiety, improve sleep, promote relaxation throughout the body, and many other benefits.

The post THE EFFICACY OF MASSAGE THERAPY first appeared on phoenix2u.

The post THE EFFICACY OF MASSAGE THERAPY appeared first on phoenix2u.

按摩疗法的功效 Fri, 25 Jun 2021 05:29:31 +0000 按摩疗法的益处有哪些? 按摩疗法是一种在需求和普及中不断增长的治疗方法。在现今社会以变得越来越主流。更重要的是,现在按摩治疗被认为是一种主流的治疗选择,许多保险公司提供治疗方案的保险。这种形式 的治疗涉及动手技术,以增加循环,缓解紧张,缓解压力,缓解焦虑,改善睡眠,促进整体的身心灵全面放松等诸多其他的好处。当人的身体软组织区域包括肌肉、肌腱、结缔组织等出现紧张 ,需要被释放,或他们受伤了,有广泛的肌肉或神经组织损伤,困扰着他们的身体,按摩疗法可能值得探索的方法之一。 另外除了良好的按摩会让您感觉更好以外,按摩疗法还有哪些其他好处呢? 我作为长期按摩的倡 导者,经过深入研究探讨后得到些鲜为人知的其它方面的功能,我发现好的按摩有以下几个隐藏 的好处。 以下是一些按摩疗法的好处: 1. 帮助身体放松 当身体紧张和压力时,它产生不健康的水平,众所周知的压力激素,皮质醇,这可能有助于体重 增加,失眠,消化问题和头痛。按摩疗法已被证明可降低体内皮质醇水平。这使主体能够进入恢 复模式。此外,这种形式的治疗也触发持久的放松感,改善情绪,减少压力水平。另外按摩有效 促进肌肉放松。当正在接受物理疗法治疗如有发生下背或某些部位感到不适或疼痛发作,这意味 着正在锻炼一段时间以来没有规律活动的肌肉。不妨附加按摩疗法在物理治疗期间或以外的时间 进行良好的按摩有助于放松那些紧绷,酸痛的肌肉。 2. 缓解压力及张力消失 按摩治疗不仅有助于缓解压力,而且长时间定期按摩可以提高能量水平,减轻疼痛,刺激个人的身体和情绪水平。 在当今快节奏的世界中,每天的压力是不可避免的。 紧张性头痛,肩膀紧绷,胃痛和各种疼痛是累积压力的迹象。 在专家级按摩治疗师充满信心的双手可以帮助缓解所有压力和紧张感。在这种 情况下,您无需做任何其他事情,就可以放松身心,放松一下身体。 当您呼入和呼出时,可以看到逃逸的压力和张力,就像被风追赶的乌云。 您感受到的温暖就像阳光将生命和能量带到身体的 各个部位。 3. 促进肌肉松弛 按摩疗法的目的是通过消除紧张的肌肉,增加灵活性,为受影响的肌肉以及整个身体提供放松, 从而针对身体疼痛的来源。按摩还促进受影响或受伤的肌肉的循环,增加营养和氧气到受损的组 织。反过来,这种增加对受影响部位的活动可减少肌肉和关节的僵硬和水肿(肿胀),并增加灵活性,以帮助减轻疼痛。此外,这种形式的治疗也释放内啡肽(止痛激素),这提高了体内的多巴胺和血清素水平。这些激素在很多方面帮助身体——身体和情感上。例如,他们促进愈合,疼痛管理和兴奋的感觉,以及帮助镇定神经。 4. 帮助降低血压 ,有助于康复,尤其是手术后 我认为按摩的最大好处之一就是它如何帮助术后修复身体。 对于做过腕管综合症手术,腿部重建 ,囊肿切除和肿瘤切除术等等的顾客们的feedback,可以证明战略治疗按摩所带来的疼痛减轻了。 人们对伤害的关注减少了,而身体则发挥了其最大作用:功能正常。 这意味着所有系统都可以快速启动恢复。 但是,它不仅适用于接受过手术的人。 任何痛苦的伤害或劳累的肌肉都可以通过按摩得到帮助。 只要你愿意告知并确保按摩治疗师知道哪里部位不舒服或疼,按摩治疗师会使用恰好的按压力。 这个想法不是要感到疼痛,而是要让治疗师在深呼吸的同时将您带到这 一点。 释放紧张的肌肉,缓解僵硬并帮助缓解疼痛是值得一度暂时不适的优质按摩的最终结果。 另外定期按摩治疗已发现降低血压水平。事实上,一些长期研究表明,一致的按摩程序可以减少收缩(上数)和舒张(下数)血压。此外,它也可以降低体内皮质醇水平。一致的按摩疗法也可以减少焦虑、敌意、紧张和抑郁的触发源。反过来,降低血压水平还可以降低心脏病发作、中风 和/或肾衰竭的风险,以及许多其他健康问题。 5. 帮助淋巴系统锻炼 有一种被称为淋巴按摩或淋巴排毒的按摩类型,可以刺激淋巴系统。 这种刺激的好处包括改善新陈代谢,清除身体废物和毒素以及促进健康的免疫系统。乳腺癌或其他外科手术后,对某些人进 行淋巴按摩。 但是,这种轻柔的按摩形式,单独使用或与深层组织或瑞典式按摩结合使用,也对运动损伤,情绪问题,压力,低能量,疾病或免疫系统受损的人有帮助。 施加轻柔的压力并向全 […]

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The post 按摩疗法的功效 appeared first on phoenix2u.



按摩疗法是一种在需求和普及中不断增长的治疗方法。在现今社会以变得越来越主流。更重要的是,现在按摩治疗被认为是一种主流的治疗选择,许多保险公司提供治疗方案的保险。这种形式 的治疗涉及动手技术,以增加循环,缓解紧张,缓解压力,缓解焦虑,改善睡眠,促进整体的身心灵全面放松等诸多其他的好处。当人的身体软组织区域包括肌肉、肌腱、结缔组织等出现紧张 ,需要被释放,或他们受伤了,有广泛的肌肉或神经组织损伤,困扰着他们的身体,按摩疗法可能值得探索的方法之一。

另外除了良好的按摩会让您感觉更好以外,按摩疗法还有哪些其他好处呢? 我作为长期按摩的倡 导者,经过深入研究探讨后得到些鲜为人知的其它方面的功能,我发现好的按摩有以下几个隐藏 的好处。


1. 帮助身体放松

当身体紧张和压力时,它产生不健康的水平,众所周知的压力激素,皮质醇,这可能有助于体重 增加,失眠,消化问题和头痛。按摩疗法已被证明可降低体内皮质醇水平。这使主体能够进入恢 复模式。此外,这种形式的治疗也触发持久的放松感,改善情绪,减少压力水平。另外按摩有效 促进肌肉放松。当正在接受物理疗法治疗如有发生下背或某些部位感到不适或疼痛发作,这意味 着正在锻炼一段时间以来没有规律活动的肌肉。不妨附加按摩疗法在物理治疗期间或以外的时间 进行良好的按摩有助于放松那些紧绷,酸痛的肌肉。

2. 缓解压力及张力消失

在当今快节奏的世界中,每天的压力是不可避免的。 紧张性头痛,肩膀紧绷,胃痛和各种疼痛是累积压力的迹象。 在专家级按摩治疗师充满信心的双手可以帮助缓解所有压力和紧张感。在这种 情况下,您无需做任何其他事情,就可以放松身心,放松一下身体。 当您呼入和呼出时,可以看到逃逸的压力和张力,就像被风追赶的乌云。 您感受到的温暖就像阳光将生命和能量带到身体的 各个部位。

3. 促进肌肉松弛

按摩疗法的目的是通过消除紧张的肌肉,增加灵活性,为受影响的肌肉以及整个身体提供放松, 从而针对身体疼痛的来源。按摩还促进受影响或受伤的肌肉的循环,增加营养和氧气到受损的组 织。反过来,这种增加对受影响部位的活动可减少肌肉和关节的僵硬和水肿(肿胀),并增加灵活性,以帮助减轻疼痛。此外,这种形式的治疗也释放内啡肽(止痛激素),这提高了体内的多巴胺和血清素水平。这些激素在很多方面帮助身体——身体和情感上。例如,他们促进愈合,疼痛管理和兴奋的感觉,以及帮助镇定神经。

4. 帮助降低血压 ,有助于康复,尤其是手术后

我认为按摩的最大好处之一就是它如何帮助术后修复身体。 对于做过腕管综合症手术,腿部重建 ,囊肿切除和肿瘤切除术等等的顾客们的feedback,可以证明战略治疗按摩所带来的疼痛减轻了。 人们对伤害的关注减少了,而身体则发挥了其最大作用:功能正常。 这意味着所有系统都可以快速启动恢复。 但是,它不仅适用于接受过手术的人。 任何痛苦的伤害或劳累的肌肉都可以通过按摩得到帮助。 只要你愿意告知并确保按摩治疗师知道哪里部位不舒服或疼,按摩治疗师会使用恰好的按压力。 这个想法不是要感到疼痛,而是要让治疗师在深呼吸的同时将您带到这 一点。

释放紧张的肌肉,缓解僵硬并帮助缓解疼痛是值得一度暂时不适的优质按摩的最终结果。 另外定期按摩治疗已发现降低血压水平。事实上,一些长期研究表明,一致的按摩程序可以减少收缩(上数)和舒张(下数)血压。此外,它也可以降低体内皮质醇水平。一致的按摩疗法也可以减少焦虑、敌意、紧张和抑郁的触发源。反过来,降低血压水平还可以降低心脏病发作、中风 和/或肾衰竭的风险,以及许多其他健康问题。

5. 帮助淋巴系统锻炼

有一种被称为淋巴按摩或淋巴排毒的按摩类型,可以刺激淋巴系统。 这种刺激的好处包括改善新陈代谢,清除身体废物和毒素以及促进健康的免疫系统。乳腺癌或其他外科手术后,对某些人进 行淋巴按摩。 但是,这种轻柔的按摩形式,单独使用或与深层组织或瑞典式按摩结合使用,也对运动损伤,情绪问题,压力,低能量,疾病或免疫系统受损的人有帮助。 施加轻柔的压力并向全 身淋巴结的方向泵送。 拇指深压(指压按摩)和瑞典技巧相结合,有助于放松身体。 治疗师可以 专注于一个需要注意的区域(应客户的要求)或进行全身锻炼。

6. 帮助改善循环

按摩疗法的长期效益不容低估。改善循环是雪球效应的一部分,由于接受定期按摩治疗,在身体持续。这是因为适当的循环带来受损,僵硬和紧张的肌肉丰富的血液供应,他们需要促进愈合。 对于血管功能受损或活动受限的人,进行定期按摩可能会带来明显的好处,尤其是在改善血液循环方面。 按摩能助于改善未运动者的血管功能和对任何人的循环功能都是有益的,而不管其体育锻炼的水平如何。 进行了按摩的身体受伤的人显示出改善的血液流动和血管功能,在受伤和进行 按摩的地方一定距离处发生了变化。 至少可以。

按摩还通过使用手提压力促进改善血液循环,这种压力将血液通过身体的受损和拥挤区域流动。 反过来,这种压力的释放导致新的血液流入组织。此外,按摩技术的挤压、扭动和拉力作用也去 除肌肉组织中的乳酸。因此,这一作用改善了淋巴液循环,将代谢废物从内脏器官和肌肉中带 走。反过来,这导致较低的血压水平和改善整体身体功能。

7. 帮助加强身体的免疫系统

定期按摩课程为人体提供许多好处。众所周知,压力大的人更容易生病和受伤。当压力与睡眠障碍和营养不良相结合时,影响是针对人体免疫系统的。它自然保护自己免受感染、病原体和细菌的能力大大降低。有些人可能想知道按摩疗法对免疫系统有好处。研究表明,定期按摩不仅有助于减轻压力,还可以提高免疫系统的细胞毒性能力(身体自然”杀手细胞”的活动水平),提高身体提供营养的能力。此外,按摩疗法可以是任何锻炼计划的伟大补充。就像经常锻炼可以保持身 体微调一样,定期按摩疗法可以帮助保持免疫系统强壮和有弹性。

8. 它可以帮助改善姿势

许多人从各种来源体验背部、颈部和肌肉疼痛。然而,这种疼痛的原由不良的姿势。事实上,慢 性背痛是错过工作日的头号原因,也是残疾的第二大原因,往往是站立和/或坐着时姿势不正确或姿势差的结果。此外,超重、姿势不良、重复或过度使用等运动也可能导致背部和其他潜在问题区域的压力。因此,增加的应变往往导致痉挛,疼痛和紧张的肌肉在臀部,臀部,臀部,背部, 颈部和腿部。

按摩疗法可以帮助身体回到正确的对齐状态。事实上,改善一个人的姿势可能是按摩治疗最有益和放松的方面之一。按摩允许身体放松和放松的肌肉紧张和疼痛通过不良的姿势。反过来,这允许身体定位自己在其有机和无痛的姿势。作为一致的按摩治疗计划的一部分,身体的肌肉放松和 放松。此外,关节具有更大的自由度、灵活性、运动范围和压力点。因此,身体能够以有机和健 康的姿势定位自己。简而言之,按摩疗法有助于纠正随着时间的推移,作为疼痛反应而发展的位 置和运动。

按摩疗法曾被认为是一种替代或边缘方法,现在更加主流,越来越受欢迎。更重要的是,现在按 摩治疗被认为是一种主流的治疗选择,这种形式的治疗涉及动手技术,以增加循环,缓解紧张, 缓解压力,缓解焦虑,改善睡眠,促进整个身体的放松,以及许多其他的好处。

The post 按摩疗法的功效 first appeared on phoenix2u.

The post 按摩疗法的功效 appeared first on phoenix2u.

唤醒身体自愈力! Mon, 21 Jun 2021 08:54:19 +0000 冥想 7个方法让你轻松进入冥想状态 上一次好好放松休息是什么时候呢?忙碌的生活与压力常让人喘不过气,每天脑中总是浮现着许多代办事项、隔天的行程等等,一刻都无法休息。研究指出,“冥想”可以有效减轻压力、抵抗忧郁,更可以缓解工作带来的倦怠感。 “冥想”就像一把钥匙开启身体的自愈力,帮助引导思绪。以下介绍帮助你简单进入冥想的 7 个秘诀,每天留给自己一段时间疗愈疲惫的心灵、好好休息,使自己能够拥有冷静、清晰的思路,随时迎接生活上的不同挑战! 01 先把想到的事情记下来 刚开始进入冥想时,脑中总是会浮现许多杂事来扰乱自己、让自己分心,所以在开始冥想前,第一件要做的事情就是,花个几分钟把想到的“待办事项”写下来,从小至大都把它一一列出。而这些只需要花一点点时间,就可以帮助自己更快速的进入冥想。 02 每天为冥想预留固定时间 为冥想安排固定的时间是很重要的!若你总是想着“反正总是会有时间的”,那冥想这件事情就很有可能被抛诸脑后不了了之。 时间可以选在早晨、睡前等,而时间的长度也没有一定,可以是 5 分钟也可以是半小时,最重要的是每天尽量保持一致。 03 抛开对冥想先入为主的观念 冥想不一定要很严肃,你可以随意找一个安静、舒服的地方坐下来,重点是不会被打扰中断的地方,并且穿着轻松的衣服,甚至是搭配自己喜欢的蜡烛、放松疗愈的音乐,在冥想的过程中自在舒服最重要。 04 检查你的呼吸 冥想时闭上眼睛,并且检查自己的呼吸应该是缓慢而稳定的,并且记住身体的感受。随着每一次的呼吸让肩膀与身体放松,如此一来才能发挥冥想的效果。 05 想像自己身处在大自然中你最喜欢的地方 冥想时,想像自己在大自然中的某一个地方,可以是自家后院的草皮上,也可以是世界各地,尽可能的多将注意放在周边场景的想像,这样可以帮助自己达到享受与放松。 06 当你完成冥想后,花几分钟让身体调适 当冥想结束后不要急着做其他事情,给自己几分钟的时间调适,你可以轻轻的移动手指与脚趾拉回注意力,再来动动脖子然后慢慢的睁开眼睛,最后在原地停留至少 1 分钟的时间休息一下。你也可以在这段时间内,将每次冥想的体验写下来,记录自己身体的感觉。 冥想的时间长短是按照自己身体的节奏而定,没有固定的时间,只要你觉得“差不多了”的时候就可以停止了。 07 冥想其实没有正确方式 许多人在冥想时最常出现的问题就是:“这样做是正确的吗?”,但其实冥想并没有正确方式,只要找到适合自己的冥想方法,能够帮助自己纾解压力、疗愈心灵就是最好的方式!

The post 唤醒身体自愈力! first appeared on phoenix2u.

The post 唤醒身体自愈力! appeared first on phoenix2u.




“冥想”就像一把钥匙开启身体的自愈力,帮助引导思绪。以下介绍帮助你简单进入冥想的 7 个秘诀,每天留给自己一段时间疗愈疲惫的心灵、好好休息,使自己能够拥有冷静、清晰的思路,随时迎接生活上的不同挑战!







时间可以选在早晨、睡前等,而时间的长度也没有一定,可以是 5 分钟也可以是半小时,最重要的是每天尽量保持一致。












当冥想结束后不要急着做其他事情,给自己几分钟的时间调适,你可以轻轻的移动手指与脚趾拉回注意力,再来动动脖子然后慢慢的睁开眼睛,最后在原地停留至少 1 分钟的时间休息一下。你也可以在这段时间内,将每次冥想的体验写下来,记录自己身体的感觉。





The post 唤醒身体自愈力! first appeared on phoenix2u.

The post 唤醒身体自愈力! appeared first on phoenix2u.

如何进行冥想? Mon, 21 Jun 2021 08:19:24 +0000 你肯定听过的冥想。冥想是能极大改变生命质量的。 冥想是怎样全方位提高生命质量的。我把文章分为三个部分来阐述,便于读者理解。 冥想的好处 冥想的实施 冥想的进阶 # 01 冥想的好处: 冥想的好处: 它能让你更健康 它能增强你的免疫系统。 它能缓解各种疼痛。 它能在细胞层面祛除炎症。 它能让你更快乐 它能增加正面的情绪。 它能减轻抑郁。 它能消除焦虑。 它能减缓压力。 它能让你更好的进行社交 它能让你对社交联系体会更深进而改善你的情商。 它能让你拥有更多的同情心。 它能让你觉得不那么寂寞。 它能提高你的自制力 它能让你更好的控制自己的情绪。 它能让你有更强的自我审视能力。 它能改善你的大脑 它能增加大脑灰质的厚度。 它能增加与情绪管理,正面情绪,自制力相关的大脑区域的体积。 它能使大脑灰质变得更厚,使你更能集中注意力。 它能提高你的效率 它能增强你的注意力和参与度。 它能增强你的多任务处理能力。 它能增强你的记忆力。 每天冥想15-60分钟,对大脑皮层表面积的增长太有用了,我们一般说的谁谁很聪明,看谁聪不聪明不是看脑袋大小,而是看大脑灰质厚度,还有大脑皮质的面积大小。在同样体积的脑袋里,大脑灰质厚度最多可以相差一倍。皮质沟回更多的人就更聪明。而通过冥想可以使大脑皮层面积增大,使大脑灰质变厚,让你更聪明。 上面的好处,足以全方位无死角的改善你的生活。每天只冥想15分钟,你可以收获如此之多的好处。简直不要太划算了。 # 02 冥想的实施: 冥想的实施: 很多人有误区,觉得冥想这么虚幻的东西,看不见摸不着,也不好入门。觉得跟我没有关系,所以干脆不学了。 其实不仅跟你有关系,跟所有人都有关系。 冥想是我知道的投入最少,回报最多的活动之一了,其他比如阅读也是。 下面我们把怎样进行冥想来具体说明一下:其实超级简单,直接开始就好。 (A) 姿势 刚入门要找安静的环境。注意力要全部集中,全身放松的状态与睡觉时基本相同,所以要保证保暖。可以找毯子把膝盖盖好。 不要让风持续吹到耳朵周围。三叉神经汇聚于耳部,如果持续的吹风容易引起面瘫,那也太得不偿失了。一定要注意这点。 也一定要盘坐,可以坐在椅子上,只有一点需要注意。因为冥想的时间不短,不管你什么姿势,腰部要挺直才健康。然后闭上眼睛。  (B) 呼吸 首先设定计时器(从5到10分钟开始,渐渐延长时间)。 只需要比平时呼吸慢一点,在呼吸时找一个你更加敏感的,能关注呼吸的部位,比如鼻腔、胸腔。然后呼气、吸气—— 一直重复下去,一直把注意力集中在呼吸上。 相信我,这时你的大脑就像疯了一样的想七想八,会想中午吃什么、别人在讨论什么、我怎么会对老板说那么傻的话等等。 这时候反复的把注意力拉回来,拉回到呼吸本身。最后反复将注意力拉扯回呼吸,直至计时器将你唤醒冥想时你的大脑是在做曲臂锻炼的。这是经过科学论证的。 注意力集中失败是正常的,大脑就是在失败-集中注意力-失败-集中注意力中慢慢锻炼的。所以不要气馁。继续把注意力拉回呼吸。 你在冥想初期可能还会非常难受,有种想立刻结束的冲动。我建议你冥想的时间慢慢叠加,刚开始5分钟到10分钟再到15分钟慢慢来。 […]

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The post 如何进行冥想? appeared first on phoenix2u.




  1. 冥想的好处
  2. 冥想的实施
  3. 冥想的进阶
# 01






# 02







(A) 姿势


(B) 呼吸


然后呼气、吸气—— 一直重复下去,一直把注意力集中在呼吸上。





# 03




(一) 你可以扫视自己的身体



(二) 你可以尝试在不同场所进行冥想


(三) 还可以向更长时间进发。




The post 如何进行冥想? first appeared on phoenix2u.

The post 如何进行冥想? appeared first on phoenix2u.

How To Meditate? Mon, 21 Jun 2021 04:11:45 +0000 It’s meditation you must have heard. Meditation can greatly change the quality of life. Meditation improves the quality of life in all its aspects.I divided the article into three parts to explain, easy for readers to understand. The benefits of meditation The operation of meditation The advanced level of meditation 01 The benefits of Meditation […]

The post How To Meditate? first appeared on phoenix2u.

The post How To Meditate? appeared first on phoenix2u.


It’s meditation you must have heard. Meditation can greatly change the quality of life.

Meditation improves the quality of life in all its aspects.
I divided the article into three parts to explain, easy for readers to understand.
  1. The benefits of meditation
  2. The operation of meditation
  3. The advanced level of meditation

The benefits of Meditation

The benefits of meditation:

It can make you healthier
It strengthens your immune system.
It relieves all kinds of pain.
It removes inflammation at the cellular level.
It can make you happier
It can increase positive emotions.
It can reduce depression.
It eliminates anxiety.
It relieves stress.
It can make you social better
It can make you feel more connected to social contact and thus improve your emotional intelligence.
It gives you more compassion.
It makes you feel less lonely.
It can improve your self-control
It can let you control your emotions better.
It gives you more self-examination.
It can improve your brain
It can increase the thickness of gray matter in the brain.
It increases the volume of brain regions associated with mood management, positive emotions, and self-control.
It thickens the gray matter in the brain and makes you more focused.
It can improve your efficiency
t can enhance your attention and participation.
It enhances your multitasking capabilities.
It enhances your memory.

Meditation for 15-60 minutes a day is too useful for the growth of the surface area of the cerebral cortex, we generally say who is very smart, to see who is not smart is not to look at the size of the brain, but to look at the thickness of the brain gray matter, and the size of the brain cortex area.

In the same size of the brain, the thickness of gray matter in the brain can vary by up to twice. More people are smarter when the cortical ditch returns.

Meditation can increase the area of the cerebral cortex, thicken the gray matter of the brain, and make you smarter. The benefits above are enough to improve your life without dead ends.

By meditating for only 15 minutes a day, you can reap so many benefits. It’s not too cost-effective.


The Implementation Of Meditation

The implementation of meditation:

Many people have a misunderstanding, feel that meditation is such an illusory thing, can not see and touch, also not good to get started. I don’t think it has an issue with me, so I don’t learn at all.

In fact, not only with you, with everyone.

Meditation is one of the least invested, most rewarding activities I know, and other activities such as reading.

Let’s take a look at how to meditate: It’s super simple, and it’s good to start right away.

(A) Posturem

Just getting started looking for a quiet environment.
Focus on all, the whole body relaxed state and sleep is basically the same, so keep warm. You can find a blanket to cover your knees.
Don’t let the wind keep blowing around your ears. Trident nerves converge on the ear, and if a constant blow is prone to facial palsy, it’s too much to lose. Be sure to pay attention to this.
Also be sure to sit on a plate, can sit in a chair, only a little attention. Because meditation time is not short, no matter what position you have, the waist should be straight to be healthy. Then close your eyes.

(B) Breathe

First set the timer (starting from 5 to 10 minutes, gradually extending the time).
Just breathe a little slower than usual, find a more sensitive part of your breathing that focuses on breathing, such as the nasal cavity and chest cavity. Then exhale, inhale – repeat and focus on breathing.
Believe me, your brain is like crazy thinking about what to eat at noon, what others are talking about, how I would say such silly things to my boss, and so on.
At this time repeatedly pull the attention back, pull back to the breath itself. Finally, pull your attention back to breathing repeatedly until the timer wakes you up and your brain is doing a curvy arm exercise.
This is scientifically proven.
Concentration failure is normal, and the brain exercises slowly in failure-concentration-failure-concentration. So don’t be discouraged. Continue to pull your attention back to breathing. You may also be very uncomfortable in the early stages of meditation, with an impulse to end immediately.
I suggest that your meditation time be slowly superimposed, starting with 5 minutes to 10 minutes to 15 minutes.

The Advanced Level Of Meditation

The advanced level of meditation:

When you can easily do 15 minutes of meditation. When the quality is high, you can try to meditate.

(1) You can scan your body

You can start with the left foot, scan to the root of your thighs, then scan up to your spine, then from your left shoulder to your left hand, your left hand to your left shoulder, and then from your left shoulder to your right shoulder to your right hand. The right hand scans down from the spine and then at the right leg.
When scanning, it is likely to feel uncomfortable in one area, which is a small challenge, and once you can accept the feeling that you are not feeling well, the next feeling is relief.

(2) You can try meditation in different places

And you can do meditation in cars, trains, planes, and other noisy places.
The ultimate goal is to be able to focus freely over a longer and longer period of time and to control the concentration.

(3) You can also move on for longer periods of time.

The benefits of meditation have been elaborated, and you can take 5-10 minutes to meditate no matter how busy you are.
We’ve been using the brain, but we’re not exercising the brain, we’re not updating the brain. This tiny habit can improve your abilities and improve the quality of your life and even your life. Meditation and reading are two of the most important habits I think.
What else do you think, move on!
The post How To Meditate? first appeared on phoenix2u.

The post How To Meditate? appeared first on phoenix2u.

Wake up your body’s self-healing Power Mon, 21 Jun 2021 02:16:59 +0000 Meditation 7 ways to get you into meditation with ease When was the last time you had a good relaxing break? Busy life and pressure often make people breathless, every day always appear in the mind of many to-do items, the next day’s trip and so on, a moment can not rest. The study points […]

The post Wake up your body’s self-healing Power first appeared on phoenix2u.

The post Wake up your body’s self-healing Power appeared first on phoenix2u.


7 ways to get you into meditation with ease

When was the last time you had a good relaxing break? Busy life and pressure often make people breathless, every day always appear in the mind of many to-do items, the next day’s trip and so on, a moment can not rest. The study points out that meditation can effectively reduce stress, fight depression, and relieve job burnout.

“Meditation” is like a key to unlock the body’s self-healing power and help guide thoughts. Here are 7 tips to help you get into meditation, leaving yourself with a period of time each day to heal your tired mind and have a good rest so you can have a calm, clear mind and meet the different challenges of life at any time!


Write down what you think first

When you first get into meditation, there’s always a lot of chores in your head that disturb you and distract you, so the first thing to do before you start meditating is to take a few minutes to write down the “to-dos” you think of and list them from small to large. And these take only a little time to help you get into meditation faster.


Set aside a fixed amount of time for meditation daily

It’s important to schedule a fixed time for meditation! If you’re always thinking, “There’s always time anyway,” then meditation is likely to be left behind.

Time can be selected in the morning, bedtime, etc. , and the length of time is not certain, can be 5 minutes or half an hour, the most important thing is to try to be consistent every day.


Put aside the preconceived idea of meditation

Meditation doesn’t have to be serious, you can feel free to find a quiet, comfortable place to sit down, focusing on a place that won’t be disturbed, and wear light clothes, even with your favorite candles, relaxing music, and feel comfortable in the meditation process.


Check your breathing

Close your eyes while meditating and check that your breathing should be slow and steady, and remember how your body feels. With each breath lets the shoulders and body relax, this will allow the meditation effect to take effect.


Imagine yourself in your favorite place in nature

When meditating, imagine yourself in a place in nature, either on the turf of your own backyard or around the world, and as much as you can focus on the surrounding scenes, so that you can reach enjoyment and relaxation.


When you're done meditating, take a few minutes to adjust your body

The length of meditation is determined by the rhythm of your body, there is no fixed time, as long as you feel “almost” when you can stop.

When meditation is over, don’t rush to do other things, give yourself a few minutes to adjust, you can gently move your fingers and toes to pull back attention, move your neck again, slowly open your eyes, and finally stay where you are for at least a minute to rest. You can also record how your body feels during this time by writing down each meditation experience.


Meditation is not actually the right way

The most common question many people ask when meditating is: “Is this the right thing to do?” “But meditation is not the right way, as long as find the right way to meditate, can help themselves relieve stress, heal the mind is the best way!”

The post Wake up your body’s self-healing Power first appeared on phoenix2u.

The post Wake up your body’s self-healing Power appeared first on phoenix2u.

Melaka Trip Fri, 27 Nov 2020 07:26:51 +0000 Melaka was once a thriving trading port. Today, it is full of history! Due to Melaka’s (previously also spelt Malacca) mix of culture, traces of countries from the East (China and Japan) and the West (Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom) can be found. Although it no longer enjoys centuries of glory, it is still […]

The post Melaka Trip first appeared on phoenix2u.

The post Melaka Trip appeared first on phoenix2u.


Melaka was once a thriving trading port. Today, it is full of history!

Due to Melaka’s (previously also spelt Malacca) mix of culture, traces of countries from the East (China and Japan) and the West (Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom) can be found. Although it no longer enjoys centuries of glory, it is still a melting pot of culture, building itself through ancient conquests and trade.

In 2008, the city was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List for its old town architecture and glorious history. Today it is one of Malaysia’s best tourist attractions.

Since the distance was only 150km we chose to drive ourselves to Melaka. We arrived at the Ginger Flower Hotel in the centre of Melaka around 6 pm, which is ideally located along the Melaka River. The converted Chinese shophouse has rooms that are small but comfortable, stylishly decorated, with very modern marble and glass ensuite bathrooms.

We planned to explore Melaka on foot the next day, so we made a simple itinerary to guide us round Melaka’s best!  Most of the famous attractions are located near Jonker Street.  After unloading our luggage, we strolled the streets in search of local cuisine and enjoyed the local night scenes by the river. It was very beautiful with colourful lights and the river cruise boats passing by every few minutes. A truly relaxing atmosphere to start our weekend break.

Melaka River Cruise

It is a slow-moving river that spans the city. Whether you choose to walk, cycle or take a cruise, this tour will give you an understanding of the city. It is best to choose to walk or cycle before 10am, in the late afternoon or evening, to avoid the hottest temeperatures. Evening cruises are the most attractive, as every store is lit up with colourful, bright lights, and the sparkling light from the reflection of water makes the city shine!

If you choose to walk, you will find the small city clean, safe and easy to get around, even if you are in a group or with small children. The graffiti here along the Jalankamp Gourd is colourful and intriguing, and street art lovers will find a lot to see and enjoy.


River Tour: The Melaka River Cruise runs daily between 9:00 am and 11:30 p.m. and is well worth the affordable cost because the attractions are great when seen from the river. The Melaka River is not very wide. This allows you to get up close and personal with the city’s attractions.

Evening River Tour: If you choose to cruise the river at night most of the buildings on both sides of the river have bright decorative lights that create flashing reflections in the water that make the city’s architecture really shine.

Melaka Hard Rock Café and the riverside restaurants

Featuring outdoor and indoor dining areas, Hark Rock Cafe offers a fresh and high-quality menu that includes 10 ounces of outstanding burgers and special drinks such as margaritas, hurricanes and other non-alcoholic beverages.

They only use premium beef, and their burgers are roasted to perfect and compliment french fries. For vegetarians, they also offer vegetarian-friendly burgers! For dessert, their highlight is the hot gumpos brownie. Their brownie cake is served with vanilla ice cream and served with chocolate, chopped walnuts and cherries. So far, the cafe has welcomed contemporary and legendary musicians from all over the world. Their pictures adorn the walls inside. Also, look at their “shop”. They sell T-shirts, hats, socks and so on. 

You are of course paying a premium for the franchise and décor but is a cool bar in a prime location overlooking the river. There are steps alongside Hard Rock that go down to the paved area that runs alongside the river and links the bridges together. This runs past small restaurants and bars in converted shophouses. They all serve cheapish food and many serve alcohol at similar prices.

Explore Melaka on a day 2 walk.

After waking up naturally (no alarm clock) and having had a good breakfast, we began our expedition and headed off to Cheng Ho’s Cultural Museum on Jonker Street.

It is said that without Cheng Ho (Zheng He, mandarin spelling), Melaka would not be what it is today npr would man the development of diplomatic relations between China and Melaka. The museum showcases Cheng Ho’s wisdom and incredible grasp of international relations.

This museum is one of the original large houses in Melaka and from the museum guide we learnt that many of his soldiers and bodyguards got married to locals. They eventually formed the Straits Chinese (Baba and Nyonya) community.  Seriously, this place can’t be missed, especially if you’re a fan of history.

Baba Nyonya Heritage Museum

The wealth of the Baba Nyoya family can be seen in this museum, which has been preserved in a similar way to the early days. This museum is located along JalanTun Cheng Lock in three restored shophouses.

The Baba Nyonya Heritage Museum showcases The incredible history of Baba Nyonya, Chinese local Malay culture in the Channel. The people are often referred to as the Peranakans.

The museum is privately run by descendants of the Chen family, once the richest family in town. They restored all the furniture and made it exactly the typical Papanonia residence as it would have been in the nineteenth century. The three-story museum is beautifully designed, from the outside to the interior. Rooms feature hand-painted tiles, carved teak doors and Venetian shutters, and even a range of wooden furniture and gold leaf fixtures.

They offer tours in the museum to explain the rich lifestyle and culture of Peranakan in the past. They will guide you through the details of traditional food, clothing styles, furniture and even their marriage ceremonies.

Red Square (Holland Square)

Do you like photogenic places where you can walk around and immersing yourself in rich historical heritage?

There is a large fountain in the centre of the square to commemorate Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee. The whole area is full of activities and attractions. As a result, it is crowded with tourists from all over the world, even locals from other states. You always see them capture photos in every corner to get the best angle.

The history in this place is huge. You will experience the history of the Dutch period and further back the time of the Malay Empire to the day of the Portuguese invasion. Holland Square, also known as Red Square, is part of Melaka and inspired the city to be designated as a World Heritage Site. It is located to the south of the city, close to the Fort and  St. John Hill.

You can’t miss Queen Victoria’s fountain because it’s in the middle of Holland Square. Built in 1904 by the people of Melaka in memory of Queen Victoria Regina, it has been well preserved and offers a good photo opportunity. Britain’s commemorative tributes are also impressive. Old habits die hard, every time I see a fountain, I have to make a wish and drop a coin in the water. This time is no exception. I made a wish, I hope it will come true!

On our way to the Queen Victoria Fountain, we took a lot of pictures in Red Square (also known as Holland Square). It dates back to the 17th century and reflects Melaka’s history from Dutch colonization to the present day. The name says it all – yes, it’s red, always filled with market stalls, look and a great place to find out the history of Melaka. The place is alive with food and souvenir stalls, buildings, people and  those crazily decorated mobile discos that double as tri-shaws. This place really goes back to the glory days of the Dutch Empire.

Melaka Stadhuys and Christ Church

When you come to Melaka, don’t forget to visit Stadthuys. It is home to a history and ethnography museum, spread out over two floors. The bottom floor is devoted to the Malay culture and its exhibits feature artifacts, weapons, dress, and daily life. Upstairs are rooms dedicated to each of the period of Melaka’s rich history, beginning with the Sultanate and extending through the Japanese occupation. Actually, there is also a third floor with an exhibit dedicated to Cheng Ho, but it pales in comparison to the nearby Cheng-Ho Cultural Museum previously mentioned.

Here you will find a vibrant atmosphere thronging with tourists,
it is surrounded by tree-lined landscapes and flowers, it makes visitors feel like one of Europe's oldest churches. There are many colorful tri-shaws in front of the church. You can ride them and they'll take you around town. It makes this place more lively!

As we continued on to our next destination, I couldn’t wait to get a bird’s eye view of Melaka.

Hike to a hill full of history and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Built in 1521, St. Paul’s Church was once a fortress defence building. Mount Sao Paulo is well worth the hike, both the Portuguese and the Dutch left their mark there. The ruins of St. Paul’s Church are located at the top of Mount St. Paul and have only been partially preserved due to the destruction during the war. The inscriptions of Portuguese tombstones provide insight into history, but it would be nice if there was a guide to tell the story better. After a short walk, you can enjoy amazing views of the city from the top of the hill. The local authorities have maintained and protected the place well. Inscriptions of tombstones and relics will give you some understanding of the history of the church.

Iconic Portuguese architecture of historical value

Fort Farmosa is a popular tourist destination and an important historical landmark. You’d better visit the fort in the morning to avoid crowds. You can also takes pictures in front of the old cannon, which was used for defence during the era. Apart from the re-built gatehouse and a few noticeboards to read in the gardens behind there isn’t really too much to see here.

Florama Maritime Museum

Next we called in at the Florama Maritime Museum. This is a replica of a Portuguese ship that sank off the coast of Melaka.

Learn about the rich and varied maritime history on a restored Portuguese ship.

The museum is actually a replica of the Florama ship from Portugal, which sank off the coast of Portugal after shipping the lorry from Melaka. You can find some interesting documents, artifacts and exhibitions in a replica of Melaka’s Golden Age. Certainly the place was full of kids enjoying themselves and it is probably one of the better places to interest them.

Church of St. Francis Xavier

The Church of St. Francis Xavier was built in 1856 and is located in Jalan Lak Samana. This is a catholic church built by a French mission. It’s a nice example of colonial era architecture, built in a Neo-Gothic style with twin spires at the front of the entrance, but otherwise painted predominantly plain white with yellow borders.

We needed food!

Time was passing and our stomaches were sending us a message, we’re hungry! We took a short walk to the other side of the river and lined up for lunch at Hoe Kee because when you’re in Malacca, you just have to have the chicken rice balls and you have to try them either at Hoe Kee or Chung Wah. This place is always very busy, the queue was very long, about 30-40 people.

While waiting we tried Nyonya cendol, soft and delicate smoothies, with the local traditional gula Melaka and other ingredients, this cold and instant treat makes you want to eat it again.

After waiting, we ordered the semi-steamed Hainan-style chicken and rice balls. These are cooked with chicken soup and It was delicious!  Compared to other chicken meals, these Kampong chicken bites are more tastey and the tender and juicy chicken is a perfect match for the delicious rice balls.

We left with a full stomach as we strolled on to continue exploring more Melaka attractions.

Worship in Malaysia's oldest temple

Built in 1645, Chengxiong Teng Temple undoubtedly provides a peaceful, tranquil environment for visitors to pray. You will be fascinated by the architectural style and the carvings of this Buddhist temple. This place is mostly away from tourists and is a good retreat away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Jonker Gallery

To shop for exquisite and inexpensive souvenirs for your loved ones, Jonker Gallery is the ideal spot for you! Featuring locally-made handicrafts, Jonker Gallery is one of the largest retailers selling souvenirs in Melaka.  There are several Jonker Gallery outlets scattered all over the Jonker Street. Some items are only sold at certain outlets. Jonker Gallery is also a boutique selling pretty clothes for ladies. The blouses and shirts with cute flower prints are pretty and they sell unique and quirky t-shirts.

A-lan Ball shoes and accessories

Founded in the 1980s and selling handmade Nyonya beaded shoes and accessories, the owner certainly has expertise in making them. They have been making handmade shoes for more than 30 years. Nyonya beaded shoes are made of leather or silk. In addition, they offer many kinds of beaded shoes, such as small beads, cross straps, open toes and closed toes. It’s all handcrafted and exquisite.

Sometimes you’ll see them making beaded shoes in the store. You’ll be really surprised by their work. In addition to beaded shoes, they also sell dancing shoes.

San Shu Gong (Uncle Three)

How can a trip be done without buying local food?

We arrived at eye-catching red building The Uncle Three Shopping Centre, at the head of Jonker Street. San Shu Gong is an all-in-one souvenir shop where you can grab goodies for friends, including a wide range of food items. If you ask they will provide samples in a small container. Try it first and decide your purchase later. Many people leave the place with baskets of products such as shrimp, crab, seaweed, sesame snacks, curedfish biscuits, dried sweet cucumbers, dried mangoes, wolffish biscuits, pickled cucumbers, gulamarine and white coffee.

For durian lovers, a very unique food recommended for you is their durian jam. The taste is exotic and amazing. They also sell many authentic Nyonya pastries for those who enjoy Nyonya food.

If you want to take a break, just head to the Lao Qian Ice Café on the second storey to enjoy heavenly cendol and white coffee. Then you can continue shopping!

Famous Night Market

Jonker Street

There's a saying that if you haven't been to Jonker Street, you haven't been to Malacca!

Dubbed Jonker Street, Jonker Walking Street or Jonker Hangjebout Street, this street is a very attractive place in Malacca and is located in the UNESCO World Heritage Centre. It is a world-famous street with its rich collection of authentic antiques, culture and architecture; most of the shops here are from the 17th century, which makes them centuries old. During Dutch colonial times, it was the street where the Dutch masters owned their homes. Soon, wealthy locals began to live in the area, and they opened shops. The street has a strong Chinese influence.

The whole of Jonker Street was closed to all traffic, and stalls sell finger food, local cuisine and interesting souvenirs. Although it caters to tourists, it retains its old charm in the middle of Melaka. You need to bargain, but most sellers are polite and will give you a good price. The night was so vibrant and filled with people, colours, smells and sounds.

Jonker walk Garden

The Jonker Walk Garden is a place to get some rest after a long walk. Washrooms are available here. The garden has sculptures of the famous Datuk Wira who is considered as the Father of Bodybuilders in Malaysia is also an advocate of turning Jonker Street into a highly touristic area.

Geographer's Cafe

Located in the corner of the shop, the Geographer’s Cafe is a meeting place for friends, especially at night. The charm of the cafe lies in its warm atmosphere. Most guests were surprised that the interior design perfectly blends Western and Oriental styles. In addition, the coffee shop also serves a variety of food, such as pasta, pizza, fried rice, satay and so on. Beers and spirits are also available at the coffee shop.

The special part about the cafe is that they have live performances every week by Miss Nadia and her father, Mr. Abed. Every Monday night, the two of them will play jazz, while every Friday and Saturday night, they will entertain guests with pop music.

Local cuisine at Melaka

1)Melaka Cendol Sugar /Nyonya Cendol

This is a traditional dessert made from shaved ice, coconut milk, green starchy noodles and panda seasonings and palm sugar. Other ingredients, such as red beans, milli rice, grass jelly, and creamy corn, may also be included. Each spoonful leaves a lingering sweetness and a creamy aftertaste of fresh coconut milk.

Originally from Indonesia, cendol has become the most-favoured ice dessert in Malaysia. Typically made from coconut milk, pandan flavour green rice noodles, shaved ice and palm sugar, the cendol is best to cool yourself down in a hot afternoon.

But in Melaka, the cendol is prepared by using Melaka sugar (a kind of locally made sugar) palm sugar.

Gula Melaka
Gula Melaka also known as Palm sugar is a sweetener that is made from the sap present in the flower buds of the coconut palm tree.

At Jonker 88, they serve a really thick gula Melaka. With the coconut milk coatings, the cendol looks exactly a big scoop of vanilla ice-cream. They serve durian cendol as well. Go for it if you love durian.

While at Christina Ee Nyonya Cendol Shop, the green rice noodles top the bowl of cendol. Jelly and peanuts are scattered all over the shaved ice. You can order a durian flavour too!

2) Pork Lard Popiah

This is a fresh Spring Roll in Fujian/Chaozhou style. Popia is one of the better in Malacca, where egg wraps are generously filled with ingredients, sweet sauces and chilli sauces. Good stuff! The thickness of the egg skin packaging is in one, putting Popia together well. Moist, generously filled and filled with oomph from chilli sauce – what’s not to like? Popiah Filled with shredded vegetables, jicama and carrot, the nicely wrapped popiah is crunchy and givess a moreish taste.

At Poh Piah Lwee, the turnip inside their popiah is stewed in soy sauce to give a more flavourful taste. Also, they add more bean sprouts to contribute customers a fresh crunchiness. What makes their popiah special is they add fragrant pork lard into it. Nevertheless, it only has little oily taste and the lard is pretty enjoyable. You can still enjoy the sweetness of jicama and turnip at the same time.

3) Coconut Dessert

You can have all kinds of coconut desserts at Bikini Toppings! Whether it is coconut drinks mixed with fruits, coconut shake, coconut ice-cream, coconut waffle or the real coconut, the stall could please all your coconut craving. 

For the coconut shake, they use the fresh coconut water and add the coconut ice-cream on top. It is flavourful and milky in overall.

Try out their coconut jelly too. Served in a hug coconut husk, it is made from coconut flesh and the coconut juice. It is so rich in the coconut taste yet it tastes not overly sweet. You can order the coconut ice-cream too. They have Oreo and chocolate chips toppings to give a crunchy taste.

4) Fried Oyster Omelette

It is also known as the “fried oyster omelette” – due to the large number of eggs. Oysters are fresh, though small in size, and generous in number make up for it. As for myself, I have to say I like it. Eggs are delicious, I actually care about oysters – I just love them. Fried oysters can be found in some Malacca food court .

5) Nyonya Kuih

Nyonya Kuih (Kuih is the term for Malay cake) is a bite-sized dessert, colorful and generally considered a snack. Some are steamed and some are roasted, but most are sweet. My favorite Nyonya Kuih is Ondeh – ondeh (or onde – onde). It is either made from sweet potatoes or from cereal rice flour. Cute little ondeh-ondeh infused panda (screw leaf) juice, and filled with gulamaramucci (local sugar) or palm sugar, then rolled with some freshly grated coconut. When you take a bite, the palm sugar in it bursts in your mouth. This warm dessert seeps into your mouth. Just ignore the diet and start the day with these sweet and delicious little delicious things.

6) Klimkrip

Mille crépe is a French cake consisting of many crépe layers. The word “mille” means “a thousand” and means many layers. Enter Nader,but don’t expect to see a 1000-story cake. You won’t find any. Here’s what to expect – about twenty layers of lace bread with fresh cream and mayonnaise.

The top folds are usually sprinkled with sugar and loosened until the surface is caramel. The cream was delicate and strong enough that the cake did not collapse in the collapse of the fork. The pancakes on both sides are thin and crisp, and digging into the cake is like shoveling snow. Light and sweet, each bite produces a smoked sugar coat with delicate pancakes and cream layers. Sounds good – try it!

My productive day in Malacca was my first experience of this city and it inspired me to go further! Now, I’m trying to explore my next city, in just one day, and really say, I’m very excited!

The post Melaka Trip first appeared on phoenix2u.

The post Melaka Trip appeared first on phoenix2u.

Aromatherapy @Essential Oils Thu, 29 Oct 2020 15:50:12 +0000 Introduction Aromatherapy is currently becoming more and more popular in Europe, the United States, Australia and other countries. It is not only promoted by the complementary medicine and natural medicine circles, but also in orthodox medicine, especially the nursing profession, has begun to recognize its advantages.  In the world of complementary medicine, aromatherapy is an […]

The post Aromatherapy @Essential Oils first appeared on phoenix2u.

The post Aromatherapy @Essential Oils appeared first on phoenix2u.



Aromatherapy is currently becoming more and more popular in Europe, the United States, Australia and other countries. It is not only promoted by the complementary medicine and natural medicine circles, but also in orthodox medicine, especially the nursing profession, has begun to recognize its advantages. 

In the world of complementary medicine, aromatherapy is an inexhaustible treasure.  There are many different training schools, each with its own unique insights.  If used properly, essential oils can be safely applied to family members, relatives and friends to help them relax, relieve stress, maintain beauty and improve health.

This page is not a guide to the practice of aromatherapy, which requires in-depth professional training.  This page cannot replace the advice of experts. For patients with severe symptoms, please consult qualified medical practitioners. 

The information provided in this page is compiled from various data sources to help general users understand the use of various essential oils in aromatherapy; its purpose is to stimulate the general interest of the people, and then to understand and feel the benefits of natural aromatherapy.  Want to relax?  Please join us in the world of aromatherapy and wash your body, mind, and spirit in the most natural way.

Aromatherapy is an ancient form of health care that uses the extracts of aromatic plants to improve the health and well-being of the body.

Aromatherapy is a natural treatment method. It uses concentrated plant extracts to make essential oils. It can be used in conjunction with massage, aromatherapy, inhalation, external treatment and bathing. Aromatherapy itself is a pleasant experience and can improve at the same time. It has both health and beauty effects. 

Although many massage practitioners and relaxation experts use essential oils at work, aromatherapy also has a complete set of treatments that can improve physical health; like homeopathy and other holistic treatments, classical aromatherapy does not have orthodox medicine.  The principle of “the needle is effective” is to treat a specific disease with a chemical or medicine.  In fact, every essential oil has a wide range of applications. 

Naturally extracted plant essential oils are rich in natural chemical molecules, and pure essential oils have strong penetrating power. After being diluted and applied to the skin, they can quickly enter the bloodstream, and then flow through the body’s various organs through the blood circulation. In addition, it can also pass through the sense of smell.  Enter the brain to affect people’s emotions.  

Qualified practitioners can help patients fight various physical and emotional problems: Empirical results show that it can’t only treat tension, but also solve various problems and discomforts of muscles, circulation, breathing, digestion and skin.  As described in this page, aromatherapy can be used at home to relax the mood, beautify health, cooperate with other diseases, or simply enhance the atmosphere of the home or work environment.

Although the use of essential oils, herbs and agarwood can be traced back to the long past, the currently known aromatherapy is still fairly a new concept.  The term aromatherapy was coined by the French chemist Rene Gatefosse; who wrote the book Aromatherapy (1937), whose research has reignited modern people’s interest in the therapeutic properties of essential oils.  

A qualified aroma therapist can not only find out the symptoms of the patient first, but also determine what type of person the patient is.  He will ask the patient about his eating habits, lifestyle, and any situations that may cause tension or stress.  After the practitioner decides the most suitable essential oil or compound massage oil according to the patient’s condition, he can use essential oil massage to treat the main parts. As the condition improves, the essential oil may be changed to suit the patient’s current condition, and the aroma therapist may also as a counselor, providing advice on nutrition, exercise and other health issues.


Aromas, Herbs and Oils Through History

Aromatherapy is a holistic treatment that harmonizes the body, mind and spirit. It has long been successful in improving breathing, digestive muscular system and skin disorders and other physical conditions.

Humans have used flowers and plants for treatment for a long time.  Ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Babylon, China, India, Arabia, Greece and Rome have long known that aromatic plants, flowers and branches have medical properties. 

The wizards of ancient Egypt used the familiar perfumes, such as cedar oil, for medicine, incense for mummies and religious ceremonies.  Ancient Greece used perfume as aromatic medicine and cosmetics; Romans used perfume oil for massage.  The word “perfume” is derived from the Latin word par fumare, which means “vapour or steam”. 

Many Eastern cultures are accustomed to burning plants to produce fragrance. This ritual still has religious and spiritual connotations, representing the prayers of worshippers and assisting in the extradition of dead souls.  Scented plants, essential oils and incense have been used for both religious and medical purposes in Asia.  American Indians also burn fragrant plants to make smoke during treatment rituals smoke. 

For hundreds of years, people who have made perfumes and essential oils have been involved in curing diseases and promoting physical health.  The Arabs are particularly good at using floral and aromatic substances. They rediscovered distillation and were the first to use essential oils.

 In the Western, the term “essential oil” was inseparable from alchemists who pursued “essence” or the mystery of life in the 16th century.  Later, the term was simply referred to as essential oil or essence. 

By the end of the seventeenth century, some people used herbs to deal with the Black Death and disease.  The famous herbalist Nicholas Carl Piper added peppermint to the medicine.  During the plague, people carry incense boxes made of sweet orange and cloves to block the stench and avoid infection. 

Until the beginning of this century, all perfumes and many medicines depended on essential oils; Later, cheaper synthetic and chemical fragrances began to be available.  Despite this, the most advanced perfume and soap manufacturers have been using essential oils to make related products. 

The world’s renewed interest in essential oils began in the 1930s.  At the time, the French chemist Rene Gatefosse was engaged in experimental work in his own perfume industry.  Once his hand was severely burned. In a hurry, he soaked his hand in a pot of pure lavender oil beside him. Not only did the burn heal quickly, but it did not leave any scars. Gatefosse began to study the effects of other essential oils and published a book called “Aromatherapy” in 1937. 

During World War II, Dr. Jean Valnet of France was very interested in aromatherapy.  This medical doctor successfully used essential oils for medical treatment of wounded soldiers.  At the same time, the Australian biochemist Marguerite Maury also developed the technique of massage using essential oils. 

During this period, the development of antibiotics and chemical preservatives made natural essential oils lack of interest.  But nowadays, many people are afraid to learn about the synthetic and chemical ingredients contained in food, medicine, and cosmetics, and turn to natural, safe and pleasant treatment methods. 

In France and Germany, the medical profession continues to develop aromatherapy.  More than 1,500 French doctors have received training in this area, and they also prescribe essential oils for internal use.  Studies by experts from France, Australia and other countries have shown that the essential oils used in aromatherapy have absolute curative effects. 

The use of aromatherapy is becoming more common in Europe.  Today not only supplementary therapists use this therapy, but hospitals and hospices also follow up. It has been proven that this method is particularly helpful for patients to relax.  In addition, more and more nurses are trained as aroma therapists.  Intensive care units, geriatrics, and medical units that treat mental and physical disabilities also use aromatherapy to assist natural and complementary treatments, and the results are outstanding.

Essential oils contain the essence of nature. Find out what exactly is in essential oils, how these complex substances work holistically to heal and balance body and mind, and how to ensure you are using the purest and the best quality products.

Aromatic essential oils are the highly concentrated essences derived from plants. Used today in aromatherapy and fragrances, they have a long history in natural healing. The oils harness a plant’s therapeutic properties to restore balance to the mind, body, and spirit.

The Plant’s Essence

The aromatic compounds in essential oils are thought to help plants survive, for example, by attracting pollinators and warding off fungus and bacteria. Once extracted, essential oils contain the essence of a plant in a very concentrated form, which means the essential oils often smell delightful and retain the plant’s unique therapeutic benefits for our use.

Essential oils in aromatherapy

Today, there are around 100+ essential oils used in aromatherapy. Each has a unique chemistry and properties that produce a distinct therapeutic, psychological, and physiological effect. In addition to being anti-inflammatory, pain relieving, decongesting, and antiseptic, oils can ease anxiety and lift the spirits. Their powerful constituents can have a profound physiological effect, restoring balance and vitality.

Essential Oil Sources

Essential oils are extracted from the flowers, leaves, stems, branches and other parts of various aromatic plants. The highly concentrated essential oils balance the discomfort of the body with natural plant energy

What’s in an Oil?

A single essential oil can contain as many as 100 chemical components, which work together to give the oil its unique properties and aroma. Each component plays a role, but some are more dominant and determine how an oil will act on the body and mind.

The chemistry of oils

Oils are made up of major, minor, and trace components. Menthol is an example of a major component, making up around 40 percent of peppermint oil. These major components work with the more numerous minor and trace components and all contribute to an oil’s aroma and therapeutic value.

Breaking oils down

Each oil’s component parts split into two further categories: oxygenated compounds and terpenes. Oxygenated compounds tend to be stronger smelling and longer lasting than terpenes. They include alcohols, which are antibacterial and found in oils such as ginger and juniper; esters, which can be antiseptic, found in oils such as basil and clove; and ketones, which regenerate cells, found in oils such as rose, camphor, and vetiver. Terpenes, found in oils such as myrrh, have a range of properties, but spoil quickly when exposed to air.

Our sense of smell is more sensitive and immediate than any of our other senses, which is why aromas can be so evocative. Chemicals in a scent can trigger physiological responses and affect our mental state. These combined effects enable aromatic oils to work holistically on mind, body, and spirit, bringing balance, healing, and often a profound sense of well-being.


Essential oils can be used to help promote a state of mind. For example, stimulating oils can be used to enhance focus, while oils that are calming enable us to relax and help to combat the effects of stress.

Enhance well-being and mood

Essential oils have many components that affect the nervous system, helping to lift mood and enhance well-being. 

For example, studies show that the compound linalool in lavender and clary sage reduces anxiety, while limonene, found in many citrus oils, can ease anxiety and lift depression. Chamomile and bergamot essential oils contain the compounds alpha- and beta-pinene, which also work as antidepressants, helping lift the spirits and increase feelings of well-being.

When we feel anxious or depressed, it’s not just our minds that are affected; our bodies can also suffer. For example, we tend to hold tension in our muscles when we are anxious. Many oils have both mood-enhancing properties and physiological effects so they treat both the mental and physical symptoms of stress and anxiety.

An aromatherapy massage adds the inherently relaxing benefits of touch to an oil’s therapeutic effects, which can be profoundly calming and uplifting. Even without the benefit of touch, simply smelling a pleasant aroma, such as a tangerine or vanilla bean, can reduce stress-induced muscle tension.

Promote relaxation

The relaxing effects of essential oils are well documented. How they help us relax is a complicated process thought to involve several parts of the brain. One theory is that linalool, found in oils such as lavender, regulates the neurohormone GABA (gamma- aminobutyric acid). This in turn regulates levels of adrenaline, noradrenaline, and dopamine.

Improve concentration and focus

Some oils clear and refresh. For example, inhaling rosemary oil has been shown to improve memory by up to 75%. The oil contains the compound eucalyptol, which acts in a similar way to dementia drugs by increasing a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine that helps regulate brain activity.

Balance energy

Many oils can relax or stimulate as needed and are called adaptogens. These balance body systems in a process called homeostasis, calming or stimulating. Adaptogens help the body process stress by recharging the adrenal glands, which can be overstimulated or exhausted from stress. Lavender, rose, and geranium are examples of adaptogens.

How Oils Work Holistically?

The concept of holistic healing

Involves treating the entire person so that the body, mind, and spirit are in harmony. This approach is very different from the conventional one that uses targeted drugs to tackle or suppress symptoms but doesn’t always address the root cause of a symptom.

Essential oils act on the mind and body to achieve deeper healing. For example, when relaxed, the body may be better at letting go of toxins and maintaining a healthy circulation. Inhaling black pepper oil gives physical and mental support to smokers trying to quit since the oil is decongesting and also helps reduce cravings.


Essential oils are natural healers, harnessing the medicinal properties that are traditionally associated with plants. For example, oils can be anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antifungal, and many essential oils are antimicrobial, helping to kill a whole variety of harmful microorganisms to protect us against disease.

Work as antiseptics

Many essential oils have been shown to destroy the bacteria, viruses, and fungi that cause infection. One of the best known antiseptic essential oils, tea tree, is thought to be as effective as conventional treatments for athlete’s foot, and recent research suggests that wounds infected with the Staphylococcus aureus bacterium heal faster when treated with tea tree oil than they do with conventional methods of treatment.

Chemical components, such as thymol found in thyme essential oil, menthol in peppermint, and eugenol in clove essential oil, to name but a few, have been shown to be powerfully antiseptic. Studies have demonstrated that inhaling these antiseptic essential oils can be as effective as applying them directly to the skin, and essential oil inhalation therapy has been used to treat the symptoms of bronchitis and acute sinusitis for many years.

In a world where many strains of bacteria are becoming resistant to conventional antibiotics, essential oils are beginning to be seen as a viable alternative.

Relieve pain and reduce inflammation

Essential oils are often used for their mild anesthetic properties that can relieve localized pain. Oils such as thyme, rose, eucalyptus, clove, bergamot, and fennel have been shown to work on the body in a similar way to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, by inhibiting the enzymes in the body that cause inflammation, swelling, and pain. This analgesic effect makes these essential oils especially useful for soothing muscle and joint pains and for providing localized pain relief, for example from tension headaches and from sprains and strains.

Pain is often accompanied by inflammation. Many essential oils have anti-inflammatory properties. One notable example is frankincense. Several varieties of frankincense essential oil have been shown to inhibit the production of inflammatory proteins called cytokines and to prevent white blood cells, known as leukocytes, from leaking into tissues, both of which cause inflammation.

Have a cleansing action

When functioning properly, our lungs, liver, digestive system, kidneys, and skin all help to remove waste products and toxins from the body. Negative factors such as stress, anxiety, poor diet, and lack of sleep can all interfere with this process. Essential oils often have detoxifying properties that help to cleanse the body and support a healthy excretory system.

For example, a chemical called D-limonene, found in citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, tangerines, limes, and grapefruits, supports the healthy functioning of the liver, as well as helping to regulate appetite and lower cholesterol. And juniper, grapefruit, rosemary, fennel, and cypress oils have a mild diuretic effect that helps to support the work of the kidneys by encouraging the elimination of excess water. Combining these oils with a gentle massage and body brush encourages the healthy circulation of blood and lymphatic fluid, and in turn the removal of waste.

Help boost immunity

Essential oils promote wellness by enhancing and strengthening our immune response to disease. Some essential oils actually stimulate the production of disease-fighting white blood cells, such as phagocytes, T-cells, and B-cells, which are vital to the body’s defenses and immunity. In particular, eucalyptus and niaouli essential oils have been shown to encourage the process known as phagocytosis, where larger white blood cells called phagocytes engulf and then destroy, or deactivate, bacteria and viruses.

The compound linalool, which is found in high levels in essential oils such as lavender, sage, bay laurel, and eucalyptus, has also been shown to increase the efficiency of the body’s white blood cells.

Influence hormones

The endocrine system secretes hormones to regulate the body’s processes. Essential oils can influence the action of hormones and smooth out imbalances.

For example, relaxing rosemary has been shown to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol, and inhaling calming rose essential oil can help to decrease elevated levels of adrenaline. Several essential oils are thought to help regulate women’s hormones during different stages of reproductive life. Lavandin essential oil is believed to help control hormone- induced mood fluctuations, and clary sage, fennel, basil, sage, cypress, and geranium have a similar balancing effect.

Essential oils work on the root cause as well as the symptom.

The Concept of Synergy

Blending oils can enhance their effects. For example, mixing an antiviral oil with one that is anti-inflammatory provides more effective relief from coughs and colds. This is sometimes called synergy, but the concept of synergy goes deeper than blending.

Often, the therapeutic benefit of an essential oil is attributed to one or two of its major components. But increasingly evidence shows that the benefits of oils come from the interaction of major and minor components. For example, thymol, a major component of thyme, is highly antibacterial. However, studies show that the whole essential oil has a greater antibacterial effect than the isolated component. There’s still much to understand about how oils work synergistically, but it is clear that while science is geared toward using single compounds, whole oils have benefits that can’t be replicated in the lab.


Essential oils have been used for thousands of years to enhance spiritual practice. From their use in traditional ceremonies to supporting personal spiritual practices such as meditation, essential oils help to support spiritual attainment.

Promote spiritual pursuit

Essentials oils have been used for millennia to support prayer. Historically, oils such as frankincense, myrrh, cinnamon, cedarwood, and rose have been used in religious ceremonies.

A well-chosen fragrance can calm breathing, settle and focus the mind, and create a sense of intent.

Enhance mindful practices

Aromas that calm the mind or help to lift the spirits, found in oils such as lavender, elemi, and bergamot, can be used to enhance focus during practices such as meditation, yoga, and breathing techniques.

Energy and chi

In some traditional practices, essential oils are used to clear blockages in the chakras, believed to be the energy centers in the body that relate to specific glands and organs. Chakras are said to be connected by meridians, which are described as channels through which vital energy, or chi, flows.

Blockages In these areas are thought to lead to poor health in the related part of the body. The illustration shows the position of the seven chakras. Specific essential oils are associated with different chakras, or centers, and are recommended to help bring balance and healing to these areas.

  • The crown chakra

at the top of the head governs the pineal gland and our “inner self.” Oils such as frankincense, rose, jasmine, lavender, and elemi correspond with this area.

  • The brow chakra

located just above and between the eyes, is connected to the pituitary gland and rules memory and mind. Oils such as myrrh, sandalwood, and jasmine can be used to treat blockages here.

  • The throat chakra

covers the area of the throat and the thyroid gland and relates to communication. Try lavender, chamomile, clary sage, cajuput, peppermint, geranium, and rosemary to treat this area.

  • The heart chakra

located around the heart and upper body, affects well-being. Useful oils include rose, bergamot, lemon balm, chamomile, neroli, sandalwood, and palmarosa.

  • The solar plexus chakra

includes organs in the upper abdomen and is connected to self-esteem. Try ginger, helichrysum, manuka, coriander, lavender, marjoram, and orange.

  • The sacral chakra

located in the lower abdomen, is linked to the reproductive system and responds to essential oils such as sandalwood, jasmine, rose, ylang-ylang, orange, and geranium.

  • The base chakra

at the base of the spine, connects to our ability to feel grounded. Oils that help healing here include myrrh, cedarwood, patchouli, petitgrain, benzoin, carrot, and vetiver.

It is not always easy, especially as a novice, to know whether or not you are buying a pure, natural, good-quality, sustainable essential oil. Being aware of what to look for can help you make a worthwhile purchase. The following guidelines set out key factors to consider when purchasing oils, helping you to assess quality and provenance and to choose the best oils for you.

Natural versus Synthetic

Pure essential oil can be made up of a hundred or more individual chemical constituents, some of which are major constituents, others minor, which all work together synergistically. Synthetic fragrances, or isolated compounds such as menthol, are far cheaper than pure essential oils, and although these may have a pleasant scent, they have none of the therapeutic benefits that make essential oils so special and unique. To be sure that you are choosing a pure essential oil, try to avoid products that contain added ingredients and bulking agents since these additions increase the volume but reduce the quality of the oil.

Recognising Quality

Spend time researching companies and try to identify reputable ones that are likely to go to the most trouble to ensure their oils are of high quality.

Company credentials

Some companies have developed their own terminology to demonstrate that their oils are superior. For example, an oil may be described as being of “therapeutic” or “aromatherapy” grade, but ultimately these are marketing terms and not meaningful. It can be more helpful, though not a guarantee of quality, to check if a company is a member of a reputable association, such as the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) in the US or the Aromatherapy Trade Council (ATC) in the UK.

Another way to check a company’s credentials is to find out if it runs aromatherapy courses and/or has links with qualified aromatherapy practitioners, which indicates that the company has a deserved reputation.

All in the name

If an essential oil is authentic, the botanical name should appear on the label, and compounds called chemotypes (substances that link oils to a specific plant variety) may also be listed. For example, thyme will list its botanical name Thymus vulgaris, and the label might also mention linalool or thymol, to indicate that the oil is from one botanical species. The label, or a company website, may also cite a country of origin, which indicates that it is a true plant.

Checking Sustainability

Certain oils, such as sandalwood and rosewood, are now available only in limited amounts, or are unavailable, due to concerns about sustainability. Check the sustainability policy of a company before you buy an oil.

Endangered plants

Some plants have been harvested almost to extinction. For example, spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi) has a critically endangered status, and so this oil should be avoided unless the supplier can guarantee that it is cultivated.

Supporting fair trade

Fairtrade often ensures sustainability. Harvesting plants for oils can be an important source of income for some communities. With a conservation plan in place, plants are more likely to be protected as an important resource. Frankincense oil from Kenya, for example, is available as a FairWild source, a standard that protects the harvesting of wild species and ensures fair trading. When choosing oils, look for Fairtrade or Fair for Life logos that suggest sustainability and help to ensure the benefits of producing an oil are felt by the people growing and harvesting the plants.

Choosing Organic

Organic essential oils and base oils have a higher therapeutic value because they contain the highest levels of antioxidants and are less likely to have potentially toxic residues from pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Organic production also benefits farmers, their families, and communities; is kinder to the soil; and generally provides a more positive outlook for future crops, wildlife, and water sources. Check company literature to see if they support organic farming practices.

Assessing Cost

All essential oils require a large amount of plant matter to make just a small amount of oil. The price of an oil is connected to its yield from the plant matter, which can vary greatly, from less than 0.1 percent to 25 percent.

For example, around 2,200 lb (1,000 kg) of hand-picked orange blossom produces just 21⁄4 lb (1 kg) of neroil oil —hence the high cost of exquisite neroli. In contrast, just over 1 ton of cloves produces up to 440lb (200kg) clove oil, making this a less expensive oil.

Any company that sells all of their oils for the same price or has prices that seem too good to be true, should be avoided. The good news is that because essential oils are so highly concentrated, just a small amount goes a long way, and only a few drops are used at a time. To ensure freshness, buy a small amount regularly, rather than large amounts that might spoil before you use them.

What’s on the Label?

Reading a label closely- can help you to make an on-the-spot assessment of an essential oil. A label that has the following information suggests a high-quality oil.

  • The oil’s botanical name and the part of the plant used.
  • The country of origin.
  • The distillation or packaging date /or expiration date.
  • The batch number, if applicable, a chemotype (such as thymol).

Essential Oils are extracted from a wide range of plants worldwide. where plants grow depends on factors such as their tolerance to frost and if there’s sufficient rainfall or irrigation. 

How crops are grown

Traditionally, most essential oils were harvested from the wild and this is still the case for some abundant species such as juniper. However as aromatherapy grows in popularity, with the market expanding , there is increased pressure on plants grown in the wild and it can be a struggle to keep up with demand. To ensure a continuous supply of oils, many plants are specially cultivated. with supplies creating the soil conditions and irrigation needed to grow crops.

Aromatic plant essential oils can enter the body through the respiratory system. When the diluted essential oils are used for massage or bathing, their fine molecules can penetrate into the pores of the skin and enter the body.  

Lymphatic circulation is transmitted to all parts of the body, thereby improving physical and mental discomfort, returning the unbalanced body state to normal, and increasing vitality and promoting health.  In addition to expelling waste and toxins from the body when used, essential oils will also leave the body with the body’s perspiration and excretion. 

Aromatherapy is a holistic treatment that harmonizes the body, mind and spirit. It has been successfully treating various physical discomforts such as breathing, digestion, muscular system, and skin disorders for a long time.  The same aromatherapy is also very effective for balancing emotions and can relieve the tension and pressure of modern life.  

When the mental and physical state is out of balance, the aromatic plant can evaporate its characteristics to help the body and mind reach a state of balance.  Each essential oil has its own special effects, and it depends on the actual situation of the individual to use. 

Beauty care

  • clean, moisturize the skin, increase skin vitality, slow down the production of wrinkles and dark spots.
  • promote the elimination of body fat and achieve the effect of weight loss.
  •  balance hair sebum, improve hair loss, nourish hair roots, and promote hair growth.

Promote metabolism and restore physical fitness

  • accelerate the detoxification effect of the lymphatic circulatory system, effectively eliminate. toxic substances in the body.
  •  promote the body’s new salt metabolism, enhance physical recovery.

Strengthen resistance

  • promote blood circulation.
  • enhance the effectiveness of the immune system, withstand infection, improve body repair ability, resist ageing, and restore youth.

Improve health and vitality

  • the effect on the respiratory system: help to relieve the discomfort of the bronchi, throat and lungs. 
  • Effect on the digestive system: promote digestion and balance, relieve gastrointestinal discomfort. 
  • Effect on the endocrine system: promote the adjustment of endocrine and regulate hormone imbalance. 
  • Effect on musculoskeletal tissue: Eliminate muscle fatigue, epidemic pain, restore vitality, and promote body tissue repair. 

Relieve emotional stress

  • relieve anxiety and tension, calm vulgarity, resist depression, relax and calm headaches caused by the nervous system, and improve insomnia. 

Purification of indoor air and insect repellent

  • It can freshen and purify indoor air, improve the atmosphere of the working environment, and increase work efficiency.
  •  it is a good insect repellent.
The post Aromatherapy @Essential Oils first appeared on phoenix2u.

The post Aromatherapy @Essential Oils appeared first on phoenix2u.
