How To Meditate?

It’s meditation you must have heard. Meditation can greatly change the quality of life.

Meditation improves the quality of life in all its aspects.
I divided the article into three parts to explain, easy for readers to understand.
  1. The benefits of meditation
  2. The operation of meditation
  3. The advanced level of meditation

The benefits of Meditation

The benefits of meditation:

It can make you healthier
It strengthens your immune system.
It relieves all kinds of pain.
It removes inflammation at the cellular level.
It can make you happier
It can increase positive emotions.
It can reduce depression.
It eliminates anxiety.
It relieves stress.
It can make you social better
It can make you feel more connected to social contact and thus improve your emotional intelligence.
It gives you more compassion.
It makes you feel less lonely.
It can improve your self-control
It can let you control your emotions better.
It gives you more self-examination.
It can improve your brain
It can increase the thickness of gray matter in the brain.
It increases the volume of brain regions associated with mood management, positive emotions, and self-control.
It thickens the gray matter in the brain and makes you more focused.
It can improve your efficiency
t can enhance your attention and participation.
It enhances your multitasking capabilities.
It enhances your memory.

Meditation for 15-60 minutes a day is too useful for the growth of the surface area of the cerebral cortex, we generally say who is very smart, to see who is not smart is not to look at the size of the brain, but to look at the thickness of the brain gray matter, and the size of the brain cortex area.

In the same size of the brain, the thickness of gray matter in the brain can vary by up to twice. More people are smarter when the cortical ditch returns.

Meditation can increase the area of the cerebral cortex, thicken the gray matter of the brain, and make you smarter. The benefits above are enough to improve your life without dead ends.

By meditating for only 15 minutes a day, you can reap so many benefits. It’s not too cost-effective.


The Implementation Of Meditation

The implementation of meditation:

Many people have a misunderstanding, feel that meditation is such an illusory thing, can not see and touch, also not good to get started. I don’t think it has an issue with me, so I don’t learn at all.

In fact, not only with you, with everyone.

Meditation is one of the least invested, most rewarding activities I know, and other activities such as reading.

Let’s take a look at how to meditate: It’s super simple, and it’s good to start right away.

(A) Posturem

Just getting started looking for a quiet environment.
Focus on all, the whole body relaxed state and sleep is basically the same, so keep warm. You can find a blanket to cover your knees.
Don’t let the wind keep blowing around your ears. Trident nerves converge on the ear, and if a constant blow is prone to facial palsy, it’s too much to lose. Be sure to pay attention to this.
Also be sure to sit on a plate, can sit in a chair, only a little attention. Because meditation time is not short, no matter what position you have, the waist should be straight to be healthy. Then close your eyes.

(B) Breathe

First set the timer (starting from 5 to 10 minutes, gradually extending the time).
Just breathe a little slower than usual, find a more sensitive part of your breathing that focuses on breathing, such as the nasal cavity and chest cavity. Then exhale, inhale – repeat and focus on breathing.
Believe me, your brain is like crazy thinking about what to eat at noon, what others are talking about, how I would say such silly things to my boss, and so on.
At this time repeatedly pull the attention back, pull back to the breath itself. Finally, pull your attention back to breathing repeatedly until the timer wakes you up and your brain is doing a curvy arm exercise.
This is scientifically proven.
Concentration failure is normal, and the brain exercises slowly in failure-concentration-failure-concentration. So don’t be discouraged. Continue to pull your attention back to breathing. You may also be very uncomfortable in the early stages of meditation, with an impulse to end immediately.
I suggest that your meditation time be slowly superimposed, starting with 5 minutes to 10 minutes to 15 minutes.

The Advanced Level Of Meditation

The advanced level of meditation:

When you can easily do 15 minutes of meditation. When the quality is high, you can try to meditate.

(1) You can scan your body

You can start with the left foot, scan to the root of your thighs, then scan up to your spine, then from your left shoulder to your left hand, your left hand to your left shoulder, and then from your left shoulder to your right shoulder to your right hand. The right hand scans down from the spine and then at the right leg.
When scanning, it is likely to feel uncomfortable in one area, which is a small challenge, and once you can accept the feeling that you are not feeling well, the next feeling is relief.

(2) You can try meditation in different places

And you can do meditation in cars, trains, planes, and other noisy places.
The ultimate goal is to be able to focus freely over a longer and longer period of time and to control the concentration.

(3) You can also move on for longer periods of time.

The benefits of meditation have been elaborated, and you can take 5-10 minutes to meditate no matter how busy you are.
We’ve been using the brain, but we’re not exercising the brain, we’re not updating the brain. This tiny habit can improve your abilities and improve the quality of your life and even your life. Meditation and reading are two of the most important habits I think.
What else do you think, move on!
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